In Norse mythology, the universe is comprised of nine interconnected realms, collectively referred to as the Nine Worlds. Each world is believed to have distinct characteristics, inhabitants, and roles in the cosmic order. The Nine Worlds are:
1. Asgard: Home of the Aesir gods, including Odin, Thor, and Loki. Asgard is depicted as a celestial realm located above the Earth.
2. Vanaheim: Realm of the Vanir gods, including Njord, Freyr, and Freya. Vanaheim is associated with fertility, prosperity, and wisdom.
3. Alfheim: Realm of the light elves (Ljósálfar), who are known for their beauty, grace, and magical abilities.
4. Midgard: The realm of humans, located at the center of the Nine Worlds. Midgard is the mortal realm where humans reside.
5. Jotunheim: Realm of the giants (Jötnar), who are often portrayed as fierce enemies of the gods. Jotunheim is known for its wild and mountainous landscapes.
6. Svartalfheim: Realm of the dark elves (Dökkálfar), who are skilled craftsmen and miners. Svartalfheim is located deep beneath the Earth.
7. Muspelheim: Realm of fire, ruled by the fire giant Surtr. Muspelheim is located at the southern edge of the universe and is associated with destruction.
8. Niflheim: Realm of ice and mist, ruled by the frost giant Ymir. Niflheim is located at the northern edge of the universe and is the source of the cold winds and fog that permeate the Nine Worlds.
9. Helheim: Realm of the dead, ruled by the goddess Hel. Helheim is where those who die of sickness or old age reside, and it is often depicted as a cold and gloomy place.