Ancient history

How did Justinian unite Byzantine empire?

Religious unification

* Monophysitism: Justinian sought to unify the empire by promoting Monophysitism, a doctrine that held that Christ had only one, divine nature, in opposition to the Orthodox Christian doctrine of two natures. This alienated many Orthodox Christians, but Justinian was able to suppress dissent and eventually establish Monophysitism as the official religion of the empire.

Administrative reforms

* Centralization of power: Justinian centralized power by abolishing the old Roman provincial administration and replacing it with a system of exarchs, who were directly responsible to the emperor. This gave the emperor greater control over the provinces and helped to prevent local revolts.

* Codification of laws: Justinian also codified the laws of the empire, creating the Justinian Code. This code was a major step forward in the development of Byzantine law and helped to make it more accessible and efficient.

Military reforms

* Creation of a professional army: Justinian created a professional army, the Comitatenses, which was paid and disciplined by the state. This army was much more effective than the old conscript militias and helped Justinian to win many of his military campaigns.

* Reorganization of the navy: Justinian also reorganized the navy, creating a new fleet of ships and establishing new naval bases. This navy helped Justinian to defend the empire from naval attacks and to protect its trade routes.

Economic reforms

* Monopoly on trade: Justinian established a monopoly on trade, which gave the government control over the prices and quality of goods. This helped to protect consumers and to ensure that the empire had a steady supply of goods.

* Public works projects: Justinian also undertook a number of public works projects, such as the construction of roads, bridges, and aqueducts. These projects helped to improve the infrastructure of the empire and to make it more prosperous.

Justinian's reign was a time of great change and reform for the Byzantine Empire. His efforts to unify the empire religiously, administratively, militarily, and economically all helped to make the empire stronger and more prosperous. His reign is considered one of the most important in Byzantine history.