The Paiutes were skilled hunters and used bows and arrows, snares, and traps to catch animals such as deer, elk, antelope, rabbits, and birds. They also hunted smaller animals such as rodents and insects.
The Paiutes fished in rivers, lakes, and streams using nets, spears, hooks, and traps. They caught a variety of fish including trout, salmon, suckers, and chubs.
Gathering wild foods was an important part of the Paiutes diet. They gathered a wide range of plants including roots, berries, nuts, seeds, greens, and fruits. Women were primarily responsible for gathering.
- Some of the important plants they gathered include:
- Pinyon nuts: These nutritious nuts were a staple food and were gathered in the fall.
- Acorns: Acorns were another important food source and were ground into flour to make bread.
- Berries: Various types of berries, such as elderberries, chokecherries, and serviceberries, were gathered and eaten fresh or dried for storage.
- Roots: Roots of plants such as camas and bitterroot were dug up and eaten.
The Paiutes also traded with other tribes for goods such as food, tools, and weapons. They traded with neighboring tribes such as the Shoshone, Bannock, and Washoe, as well as with more distant tribes such as the Navajo and Hopi.