Egyptian writing is called 'Hieroglyphics' and it is a system of writing that was developed in ancient Egypt. Hieroglyphics are a combination of logographic, syllabic and alphabetic characters and they were used for thousands of years, starting around 3000 BC and ending around the 5th century AD.
Differences from Our Writing
Our current system of writing is based on the Latin alphabet and it is a phonetic system, meaning that each symbol (or letter) represents only a single sound. In contrast, hieroglyphics are a logographic system, meaning that each character can represent a full word, syllable or sound. Additionally, hieroglyphics can also be used as decorative elements, similar to how pictorial letters are used in our culture.
Furthermore, hieroglyphics were typically written from right to left and had no word divisions. This is different from our current writing system which is typically written from left to right and uses spaces to separate words.