Ancient history

What did the tupi tribe eat?

Tupinambá diet: Meat (mammals, birds, reptiles, fish); Fruits; Vegetables (manioc, beans, gourds, peanuts, squash, sweet potatoes, yams); Honey and honey products.

Manioc, a root vegetable, was a staple food of the Tupinambá people.[24][25][26] They cultivated different varieties of manioc, including sweet and bitter types.[27][28] The bitter manioc was processed to remove its toxic parts before consumption.[29][30] Other cultivated crops included beans, gourds, peanuts, squash, sweet potatoes, and yams.[31][32] The Tupinambá also supplemented their diet with fruits and honey.[33][34]

Some examples of foods they ate:

- Wild game such as tapirs, deer, peccaries, monkeys, and birds

- Fish such as pirarucu, tambaqui, and pacu

- Fruits such as açaí, guaraná, and pineapple

- Vegetables such as manioc, maize, and sweet potatoes

- Spices such as pepper and vanilla

The Tupinambá people also ate a variety of insects and other small animals, such as ants, termites, and frogs. They collected honey and wax from wild bees, and they made a fermented drink called _cauim_ from manioc or maize.