- God of wisdom, poetry, death, divination, and magic
- Chief of the gods
- Father of Thor
- Wielder of the spear Gungnir
2. Thor
- God of thunder, lightning, storms, strength, protection, and fertility
- Son of Odin
- Wielder of the hammer Mjölnir
3. Loki
- God of mischief, chaos, lies, and deception
- Foster brother of Odin
- Father of the monstrous wolf Fenrir and the world serpent Jormungandr
4. Frigg
- Goddess of love, marriage, motherhood, and prophecy
- Wife of Odin
- Mother of Balder, the god of light and goodness
5. Freyr
- God of fertility, peace, prosperity, and sunshine
- Son of Njord, the god of the sea
- Brother of Freya
6. Freya
- Goddess of love, beauty, fertility, war, and magic
- Daughter of Njord
- Sister of Freyr
7. Tyr
- God of war, justice, and law
- Son of Odin
- Wielder of the sword Gram
8. Heimdall
- God of vigilance, protection, and foresight
- Guardian of the rainbow bridge Bifrost
- Wielder of the horn Gjallarhorn
9. Njörðr
- God of the sea, wind, and fire
- Father of Freyr and Freya
10. Idunn
- Goddess of youth and immortality
- Keeper of the apples of rejuvenation