The Incan communication system, known as the chaski, was a highly efficient relay system that used runners to carry messages over vast distances. The chaski runners were trained to run long distances at a fast pace, and they would often cover hundreds of miles in a matter of days. The system was so efficient that messages could be sent from one end of the Incan Empire to the other in a matter of weeks, which was much faster than any other communication system of the time.
The Maya and Aztec communication systems were also impressive, but they were not as fast as the Incan chaski system. The Maya used a system of written glyphs to communicate, and they would often send messages by sending runners with painted codices. The Aztecs used a system of pictographs to communicate, and they would often send messages by sending runners with painted scrolls. Both of these systems were slower than the Incan chaski system, as they required the runners to stop and decipher the messages before they could continue on their journey.