Ancient Sicilians were likely a diverse population with various physical appearance due to the island's rich history and cultural interactions with different civilizations. In general, ancient Sicilians would have had a Mediterranean look, with a range of skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors. Sicilians living in coastal areas might have had darker features due to influence from North African and Middle Eastern traders and seafarers. Further, inland Sicilians could have had lighter skin and hair due to influence from European and Greek populations. It is also worth noting that ancient Greeks colonized Sicily, and there were likely Greek settlements on the island, where the people would have had more Greek features.
Given the limited archaeological evidence and the passage of time, it can be challenging to provide a precise and detailed description of the physical appearance of ancient Sicilians. However, it can be said that ancient Sicilians were a diverse population with various physical characteristics that reflected the different cultural influences and migrations that shaped the island's history.