- William redistributed land among his Norman supporters creating a new elite class loyal to him.
- He implemented the feudal system in England, where land was granted to vassals in exchange for loyalty and military service.
2. Centralized administration and royal courts:
- He established a centralized government with royal courts and officials to enforce his authority across England.
3. Domesday Book:
- William ordered the compilation of the Domesday Book, a comprehensive survey of land ownership and resources in England. This helped in taxation and administration.
4. Control of the Church:
- William asserted royal control over the English Church, appointing bishops and abbots loyal to him. He required church officials to swear allegiance to him.
5. Military dominance:
- He built a network of castles and fortified strongholds to maintain his military dominance and control over his kingdom.
6. Legal reforms:
- He standardized laws and introduced legal reforms to strengthen the authority of royal courts and reduce local jurisdiction.
7. Suppression of Rebellions:
- William dealt ruthlessly with rebellions and revolts, reinforcing his power and ensuring that challenges to his authority were swiftly crushed.
8. Control over the aristocracy:
- He enforced the principle of primogeniture, ensuring that titles and estates passed down to a single heir, preventing the division of power.