Ancient history

In what ways did edict reverse the provisions of edict?

Edict of Fontainebleau (Revoked the Edict of Nantes)

Edict of Nantes (Granted Religious Freedom to Huguenots):

- Allowed Huguenots to worship freely in certain designated areas.

- Granted Huguenots civil rights and the right to hold public office

- Established Protestant courts and permitted Protestant schools and academies

Edict of Fontainebleau:

- Revoked the right of public worship for Huguenots.

- Ordered the destruction of all Protestant churches

- Banned Protestant schools and academies.

- Required all Huguenot children to be raised as Catholics

- Forbade Huguenots from leaving France (revoked earlier "freedom to emigrate clause of Nantes.")