Ancient history

What were some women slave names?

* Bet - Short for Elizabeth.

* Dinah - Derived from the Hebrew name Dinah, meaning "judged".

* Harriet - Derived from the Old High German name Haribert, meaning "army-bright".

* Juno - Derived from the Roman goddess of marriage and childbirth.

* Lucinda - Derived from the Latin name Lucia, meaning "light".

* Malinda - Derived from the Greek name Melinda, meaning "gentle".

* Nancy - Short for Nancy, a pet form of Anne.

* Phillis - Derived from the Greek name Phyllis, meaning "leaf".

* Prudence - Derived from the Latin word prudentia, meaning "wisdom" or "good judgment".

* Rose - Derived from the Latin word rosa, meaning "rose".

* Sarah - Derived from the Hebrew name Sarah, meaning "princess" or "lady".

* Sue - Short for Susan, a diminutive of Susanna.

* Venus - Derived from the Roman goddess of love and beauty.

* Winifred - Derived from the Old Welsh name Gwenfrewi, meaning "white wave" or "fair peace".