Ancient history

Did the Greek god Hades have any children?

Yes, in Greek mythology, the god Hades did have children. Here are some notable offspring of Hades and their mothers:

1. Zagreus:

- Mother: Persephone

- Zagreus is sometimes considered the eldest child of Hades and Persephone, though variations exist in different myths.

2. Melinoe:

- Mother: Persephone

- Melinoe is a goddess associated with nightmares, madness, and ghostly apparitions.

3. Macaria:

- Mother: Not explicitly mentioned

- Macaria was a mortal princess who willingly sacrificed herself to save her siblings.

4. Plutus:

- Mother: Persephone or Demeter

- Plutus is the god of wealth and abundance.

5. Erinyes (Furies):

- Mother: Not explicitly mentioned

- The Erinyes are goddesses of vengeance and retribution. Their number and names vary, but there are typically three: Alecto, Tisiphone, and Megaera.

6. Cerberus:

- Mother: Not explicitly mentioned

- Cerberus is the three-headed dog that guards the gates of the underworld.

These are some of the children attributed to Hades in Greek mythology. It's important to note that different versions and variations of these myths exist across various sources, and the genealogies and relationships between gods can differ based on regional traditions.