Ancient history

What words mean time that has chron in them?

Here are some words related to time that contain "chron" in their root:

- Chronology: the arrangement of events in the order in which they happened, especially in history.

- Chronicle: a historical record of events arranged in chronological order.

- Chronological: arranged in the order in which they happened.

- Chronometer: a precision timekeeping device, such as a watch or clock, used for measuring time accurately.

- Synchronous: happening at the same time or corresponding in time.

- Diacritic: a mark or sign placed over or under a letter to indicate a difference in pronunciation or to distinguish it from other similar letters.

- Isocronous: having equal time intervals or occurring at regular intervals.

- Anachronism: something that is out of place in time, especially a person or thing belonging to a different period.