Ancient history

On what grounds did apologists defend slavery?

Biblical Arguments

- Some apologists argued that slavery was condoned or even ordained by the Bible. They pointed to passages such as Ephesians 6:5-9 and Colossians 3:22-25, which instruct slaves to obey their masters.

Racist Arguments

- Many apologists argued that black people were inferior to white people and that slavery was therefore justified on racial grounds. They claimed that black people were naturally suited for manual labor and that they were incapable of intellectual or moral development.

Economic Arguments

- Some apologists argued that slavery was necessary for the economic prosperity of the South. They claimed that the plantation system was the most efficient way to produce cotton and other cash crops and that freeing the slaves would lead to economic collapse.

Paternalistic Arguments

- Finally, some apologists argued that slavery was beneficial for black people themselves. They claimed that slaves were better off living under the paternalistic care of their masters than they would be if they were free. They argued that slavery provided black people with food, shelter, clothing, and medical care and that it protected them from the dangers of the outside world.