Ancient history

What was going on in the mid 1700s?


- 1756-1763: Seven Years' War begins as Britain and France fight over colonial dominance in North America and India

- 1755: Lisbon Earthquake kills tens of thousands

- 1757: Battle of Plassey establishes the British East India Company's rule in India


- 1760: George III becomes King of Great Britain

- 1764: The Proclamation of 1763 is issued to regulate British settlement in North America

- 1765: The Stamp Act is passed, sparking protests in the American colonies

- 1769: The Boston Massacre takes place


- 1770: The Townshend Acts are passed, imposing taxes on paper, glass, lead, and tea in the American colonies

- 1773: The Boston Tea Party takes place

- 1775: The American Revolutionary War begins

- 1776: The Declaration of Independence is signed


- 1781: The Battle of Yorktown ends the American Revolutionary War

- 1783: The Treaty of Paris is signed, recognizing the independence of the United States

- 1789: The French Revolution begins

- 1789: George Washington is elected as the first President of the United States