Ancient history

What are the 3 document of Self-Government in early 1600s colonies?

1. The Mayflower Compact (1620)

The Mayflower Compact was the first written document establishing self-government in the New World. It was signed by the 41 male passengers of the Mayflower before they landed at Plymouth in what is now Massachusetts. The compact established a "civil body politic" and agreed to "make just and equal laws" for the good of the community.

2. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1639)

The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut were adopted by the General Court of the Connecticut Colony in 1639. They were the first written constitution in the New World. The Fundamental Orders established a representative government with a governor, a deputy governor, and a General Assembly. They also guaranteed the rights of citizens to vote, hold office, and freedom of religion.

3. The Maryland Toleration Act (1649)

The Maryland Toleration Act was passed by the Maryland General Assembly in 1649. It was one of the first laws in the New World that guaranteed freedom of religion. The act allowed Christians of all denominations to worship freely without fear of persecution.