The Mexican Revolution and the Russian Revolution were the first great revolutions of the 20th century . In both participated the working classes (peasant, workers, etc.), middle-level social sectors (national bourgeoisie) and progressive people in general. They fought against the unjust social economic system of their respective countries where feudal relations of production prevailed, they fought against foreign capitalism that tried to control the entire economy, they fought for an agrarian reform in favor of peasant workers and they fought for an independent economy.
Differences Mexican Revolution and Russian Revolution
The great difference was that in the Mexican revolution there was no true political integration between the various revolutionary social sectors; That is why this revolution did not manage to fully concentrate. On the other hand, in Russia the working classes, soldiers and intellectuals converged in interests and united politically to banish monopoly foreign capital, eliminate the remnants of a backward economy and society and build a country with an independent economy that marches along the path of socialism.
Concept of the Russian Revolution
It is the political process where an organized sector of Russian workers took political power and began the construction of the first socialist state in the world.
Causes of the Russian Revolution
Economic and Social
Penetration of foreign capital in Russia, where the great English, French and Belgian industrial bourgeoisie controlled and plundered the natural resources (raw material); industry was also developed with foreign capital that determined the emergence of the proletariat (workers) who were exploited workers.
Subsistence of feudal relations manifested in the existence of large estates owned by the Boyars (nobles) who developed an exploitation of the servitude work of the mujiks or peasants.
Political and Ideological
Crisis of the tsarist state controlled by the Romanoff dynasty that was unable to resolve economic and social problems of his country, he also obtained military failures in the Russo-Japanese war and in the First World War.
Spread of Marxism and liberal ideas in Russia.
Development of the Russian Revolution
Menshevik stage
The «February Revolution occurs ” where the Mensheviks led by Alejandro Kerensky take power and carry out demoliberal reforms that benefit the bourgeoisie by marginalizing the peasants and workers, likewise the continuation of the First World War is proposed, which exacerbated the crisis of this government.
Bolshevik Stage
The “October Revolution occurs ” led by the Bolsheviks that had the support of the soviets (assembly of workers, peasants and soldiers) led by Lenin . This government took the following measures with the aim of developing socialism:
Nationalization of land and delivery to the peasants, nationalization of foreign banks and industries and non-payment of debts contracted by the Tsarist State.
Withdrawal of Russia from the First World War through the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, for being an unjust war of a capitalist nature where the workers and peasants would not benefit.
The NEP (New Economic Policy) is developed to rebuild the economy after the civil war of 1918-1922.
Fear of the capitalist world that new socialist revolutions will take place in Europe.
Stalin and the consolidation of socialism
On the death of Lenin there was a rivalry between Stalin and Trotsky (organizer of the Red Army and possible successor of Lenin ). The theoretical approaches of both were:
Trotsky :Proposed the "permanent revolution" worldwide and economic development from agricultural activities to then boost the industry.
Stalin :He proposed to consolidate socialism in the USSR first and then support the world revolution. According to him, economic development must be sustained by heavy industry and collectivized agriculture.
Based on Stalin political alliances eliminated Trotsky of the government and in the XIV Congress of the CPSU (Communist Party of the USSR ) proposes the socialization of the economy to achieve economic autonomy and consolidate the socialist revolution. Everything would be based on heavy industry. In addition, the economy had to be planned in that direction:industrialization, the planning would be in charge of the Gossplan (Planning Institute). This is how the five-year plans were established.
First Five Year Plan (1929- 1935)
Agricultural modernization and collectivization. Sovkhoz (State Farms) and Kolkhoz (Agrarian Cooperatives) were created , but to make this collectivization of agriculture a reality, the Kulaks (agrarian bourgeoisie, capitalist landowners) had to be eradicated. The Kulaks faced the five-year plan and the socialist revolution. The State had to respond with the campaign:“dekulakization of agriculture”. Heavy industry (steel metallurgy, metalworking, etc.) was also promoted with the participation of foreign technicians.
Second Five Year Plan (1933- 1937)
His goal was to consolidate the achievements of the first five-year plan . Light industry, consumer goods, and home construction developed.
Third Five Year Plan (1937- 1939)
Faced with threats from Nazi Germany and the Western powers (USA and England), due to the development of the first socialist state in the world, the USSR decides to prepare for a possible military clash with the capitalist powers. Emphasis was placed on heavy industry, weapons production, the electrical industry, the chemical industry, road construction, railways, transportation of all kinds, etc .
With the five-year plans and the political purges (expulsion) of elements harmful to the revolution in the State, the Communist Party and the Army, Stalin managed to consolidate socialism in the USSR.
Consequences of the Russian Revolution
The First State Socialism in history was developed; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR ).
Influence on the international communist movement with the creation of the Third International (Comintern).
The USSR converted during the government of Stalin into a world power.
Fear of the capitalist world that new socialist revolutions will take place in Europe and the rest of the world.