The golden period of Greek inventions was the III century BC. C. :among the many inventions developed, devices were created capable of exploiting the energy of water and even mechanical devices intended for public performances.
In addition to the famous Archimedes of Syracuse (287 BC circa - 212 BC), considered one of the greatest scientists and mathematicians in history, it is also worth mentioning Ctesibius of Alexandria , considered the inventor of hydraulics, and Hero of Alexandria , who invented the eolipile, a device believed to be the ancestor of the jet engine and the steam engine.
Antikythera machine
The Antikythera machine is the oldest known mechanical calculator, dated between 150 and 100 BC. but, according to more recent hypotheses, it dates back to 250 BC. . In the early twentieth century, a group of fishermen found in the waters of the island of Anticitera , south of the Peloponnese, the wreck of a shipwreck in which a complex mechanism was found that served as a meter for the solar and lunar calendar. This sort of planetarium , driven by gear wheels, was used to calculate the sunrise, the phases of the moon, the movements of the planets then known, the equinoxes, the months, the days of the week and even the dates of the Olympic games.
Hydraulic screw
The hydraulic screw, also known as còclea , was invented by Archimedes . It is an elementary device used to lift a liquid, such as water, but also a granular material, such as sand, gravel or crushed solids. The hydraulic screw is also used to exploit the kinetic energy associated with the descent of a fluid along this device:the liquid flows from top to bottom and its descent motion activates the screw which rotates producing kinetic energy, which can be collected to generate electrical energy.
Alarm clock
The engineer Ctesibius of Alexandria he is considered the inventor of the alarm clock. Ctesibius mounted a hourglass a dial and a hand to indicate the time, so he added an alarm system that consisted of dropping pebbles on a gong or blowing trumpets at preset times.
Vending machine
First described by Hero of Alexandria in the 1st century BC, what we now consider a vending machine consisted of a machine that accepted a coin and then released a fixed amount of sacred water . Once the coin was introduced into the machine, it was deposited on a tray connected to a lever. The lever operated a valve that let a dose of water flow out, then a counterweight took over which brought the lever back to its place and repositioned the valve.
The lighthouse is a structure that has a system on the top capable of emitting powerful light signals, thanks to special lamps and lenses, which act as a reference to ships and boats in navigation. Lighthouses are precisely an invention of the ancient Greeks even if it is not possible to identify the inventor who first had the idea. The most famous example of ancient lighthouses is the Lighthouse of Alexandria , a city founded by Alexander the Great in Egypt . Made by Substrate of Cnido , the Lighthouse of Alexandria it was built under the Ptolemy dynasty around 280 BC on the island of Pharos , in front of Alexandria of Egypt :the name "lighthouse" derives from this island.
Although the first known evidence regarding cartography dates back to ancient Babylon, it was actually the Greeks who gave it a new dimension. Anaximander (610 BC) was the pioneer of cartography also mentioned in the writings and works of Aristotle, he made a first map of the known lands making numerous contributions to astronomy and geography.
Water mills
This invention, which has become indispensable for various processes over the centuries, is probably inspired by the Perachora wheel created in the third century BC. in Greece probably by Philo of Byzantium.
The Olympics date back to more than 2,700 years ago and according to studies they were organized for the first time in honor of the Olympians in 776 BC. in the ancient plains of Olympia. There were various games but the most famous ones were precisely those organized every 4 years near Olympia to which people flocked from all over Greece.
Basics of geometry
Babylonians, Ancient Egyptians and Hindu peoples were among the first to use geometric calculations, but they never delved into the rules and axioms that govern geometry. Greek geometry, on the other hand, changed the perception of this matter, establishing that every rule should be explained through deductive reasoning. Thales , Archimedes , Pythagoras , are just some of the many Greek mathematicians who built the history of geometry, so much so that it is still taught in schools today.
Although there is evidence of earlier democratic communities, usually the birth of democracy and the concept of a constitution, is attributed to Athens around 508 BC For this reason, Athens is often referred to as the “cradle of democracy”.
Practice of medicine
In ancient times it was thought that the disease was a manifestation of divine punishment. This until the arrival of Hippocrates who, thanks to his studies, showed that it was actually a natural process not connected to the gods. Born in 460 BC he was an ancient doctor considered the father of medicine. The “ Oath is still due to him today by Hippocrates “, Which is an ethical standard that every doctor should uphold.
It was first described in 27 BC. from Vitruvius in one of his writings indicating as his own inventor Archimedes of Syracuse. It was used to measure the distance traveled by wagons and was instrumental in road construction and travel.
Philosophy modern
They developed a concept of philosophy different from the previous one, in fact it became a way to know and understand the surrounding world. This philosophy based on reasoning and observation played a fundamental role in the formation of Western philosophy. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle with their influential philosophies have always been taught to the new generations.