Bodo , site of paleoanthropological excavations in the Awash River Valley in Ethiopia, known for the discovery in 1976 of a 600,000-year-old skull whose shape is between Homo erectus and H. sapiens ; Many authorities classify it as a separate species H. heidelbergensis . Bodo also has plenty of animal fossils and Stone Age Tools der Oldowan and Acheulean industry.

The Bodo cranium resembles specimens that H. erectus as it has prominent forehead ridges, a massive face, and thick skull bones. His brain size is larger than most though H. erectus instances and is in the range of H. sapiens . There are some other modern features as well, including the alignment of the lateral edges of the nose. Overall the skull is those of Kabwe (Broken Hill), Zambia, and Petralona , Greece, most similar which also H. attributed to heidelbergensis . Independent of of the classification, the sample shows the a transition Bodo morphology between early members of the genus Homo and modern humans. A notable feature of the Bodo skull is the presence of cut marks on the face and braincase in the eye socket. These appear to have been made by sharp-edged stone tools at the time of death.