Ghassān , Arabian Kingdom, 6th century as Byzantine ally ( Symmachus ) was known. From its strategic location in parts of modern Syria , Jordan and Israel from it protected the Spice Trade Route from the south of the Arabian Peninsula and acted as a buffer against the desert bedouins.
Britannica Quiz The Middle East:Fact or Fiction? Is the literacy rate very high in Afghanistan? Does Yemen take its name from the Arabic word "northern"? Sort the facts in this quiz about Syria, Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries.The Ghassānid king al- Ḥārith ibn Jabalah (reg. 529–569) supported the Byzantines against Sāsānian Persia and received 529 from Emperor Justinian the title patricius . Al-Ḥārith was a Miaphysite Christian; He helped revitalize the Miaphysite Syriac Church and supported Miaphysite development despite the disapproval of the Orthodox Byzantium . The later Byzantine distrust of such religious unorthodoxy killed his followers, al-Mundhir (r. 569–582) and Nuʿmān.
The Ghassānids, having successfully opposed the Persian-oriented Lakhmids of al-Ḥīrah, prospered economically and became involved in many religious and public buildings. you too patronized the art and at once the poets entertain Nābighah al-Dhubyānī and Ḥassān ibn Thābit to their courts. Ghassān remained a Byzantine vassal state until its rulers were overthrown by the Muslims in the 7th century.