Russian Empire , historical rich founded on November 2 (October 22 Old Style), 1721, when the Russian Senate conferred the title Kaiser (imperator) from all Russia on Peter I . The Abdication by Nicholas II March 15, 1917 marked the end of the empire and its reigning Romanov dynasty .
The empire arose when the Russian nobility created a new bloodline for their Monarchy searched . You found it in Michael Romanov , a young Boar (nobleman) who 1613 to Tsars was selected. The early Romanovs were weak monarchs. Michael was crowned at the age of 17 and shared the throne with his father, the , during the key years of his reign patriarchs Philaret . Michael's son Alexis ascended the throne in 1645 at the age of 16; He was heavily influenced by Boris Ivanovich Morozov and then the patriarch's Nikon . Fyodor III. , a boy of only 14 at the time of his accession in 1676, also gave much power to the favorites. Nevertheless, all three were popular tsars living among the people and the Slavophiles left a good reputation of the 19th century idealized as model Russian monarchs. During this period, government was usually in the hands of individuals who, for one reason or another, exercised personal influence over the tsars. Popular discontent usually turned against these favorites rather than the tsar himself, for example during the urban uprisings (1648–50) that led to the exile of Morozov and des great peasant uprising (1670–71), which was dated Cossacks Stenka Razin .
Theoretically, the Russian monarchy was unlimited, and in fact there were no legal or economic guarantees against the arbitrary power of the tsar. In practice, however, the degree of control he was able to exercise over the empire was effectively limited by the size of the country, the inadequacy of the administration, and a generally non-modern perception limited by policy. As a result, the vast majority of residents seldom felt the heavy hand of the state, which limited their own authority to maintaining order and collecting taxes. Some of the alleged subjects of the tsar , like the Inhabitants of Siberia and the Cossacks lived in totally autonomous Communities , only nominally under the Tsar's authority.