As soon as Rahmat Ali in AD 1933 'Pakistan' Introduced the concept of a nation called, that concept overnight became famous among Muslim youth living in London. When newspapers around the world started making noise about it, the air fantasies of the Muslim League got new wings.
Now the Muslim League was looking for a leader who had come out of India and seen the world, who knew international law and who could speak to the British in his own language with full fervor. Who is a big lawyer like Nehru, Patel and Gandhi and who can snatch a large part of India from Nehru, Gandhi and Patel.
The eyes of the Muslim League leaders were again fixed on their old president Muhammad Ali Jinnah and they brought him back to India in AD 1934 after getting rid of the barrister work from London. This was the first time that a leader for a future country was being imported from London. In the same year Jinnah was elected to the Kendriya Dhara Sabha and in the same year he became the president of the All India Muslim League again.
This time Jinnah's attitude was changed. He was talking about Muslim interests, leaving the slogan of Hindu-Muslim unity and nationalism. He looked for opportunities to speak against Congress leaders and openly criticized Gandhi and Nehru. Now he was not in Congress, only in Muslim League. This time he was not an Indian, only a Muslim leader.
This time he was not concerned about the independence and progress of India, only about building a future country for the Muslims. Now for Pakistan Jinnah 'impossible dream' Was not but only 'this is the only dream left' What Jinnah wanted to see fulfilled in his lifetime.
On the one hand Jinnah and the Muslim League had reached a dangerous stage of communal politics but on the other hand the Congress leaders were unable to understand the changed circumstances. They considered both Hindus and Muslims as their heritage and were completely rejecting both the Muslim League and its leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Seeing Jinnah again returning to politics, Pakistan's dreamer Rahmat Ali was deeply irritated. He did not like Jinnah.
Rahmat Ali considered the traditional dress, language and food of Islam as the guarantee of being a Muslim, whereas Jinnah wore English clothes, thought and spoke in English language, sat and ate food in English style. Therefore Jinnah was not a real Muslim in the eyes of Rahmat Ali.
Rahmat Ali had ignited fire against Jinnah in the past, but when Jinnah left India to barrister in England, Rahmat Ali stopped speaking against him, but now that Jinnah had not only returned to Indian politics, but also the president of the Muslim League. Therefore, Rahmat Ali intensified the attacks against Jinnah.
On 8 July 1935, Rahmat Ali published an advertisement in which he targeted Jinnah and said- 'I sincerely hope that you will kindly give us full support on the unwavering demand of Pakistan. It is a sacred right to demand Pakistan as a separate national entity apart from India based on justice and equality.
……. Pakistan is not the land of Hindus and neither its people are citizens of Hindustan.
...... These people were neither representatives of Pakistan nor were they representing the Pakistani people.
...... These people will have to be held accountable in front of history for the most humiliating betrayal done with Pakistan. '
Probably Rahmat Ali considered Jinnah as his political rival and was attacking Jinnah out of the same jealousy. Therefore Jinnah was also rapidly advancing the politics of a separate country for the Muslims. The establishment of a central or federal system in India was given by Jinnah 'Dream of Hindu State' began to say.
Jinnah said- 'Today we are asking for only one-fourth of India and are ready to leave three-fourths for them. If they insisted more, they might not even get it.'
On another occasion Jinnah said- 'Hindus have not ruled India for the last one thousand years. We are giving them three-fourths to rule over India. Don't look at our one-fourth of India with greed.'
The Muslims of India will never accept a Hindu state, which will result in chaos and anarchy in the country.
While unveiling the statue of Shaukat Ali in AD 1936, Jinnah said- 'The current political problem was that England wanted to rule over the whole of India and Gandhiji wanted to be the ruler of Islamic India and both of us Will not allow either of them or equally both to establish control over the Muslims.'