The Viceroy has accepted the facts sent by the Nawab of Bhopal as correct. Onkar Singh has believed on the basis of this description that Colonel Kesari Singh was not with the Maharaja at the time of the meeting of Jinnah and the Jodhpur king, otherwise the Nawab would have mentioned him. According to Omkar Singh, Kesari Singh must have spread the false illusion that Kesari Singh was also present during this meeting and due to this confusion Mankekar and Pannikar etc. have distorted the facts.
On 16 August 1947, Lord Mountbatten sent his final report to the Secretary of India, in which Article 41 said- 'I called Maharaja Jodhpur on 8th August, then he reached Delhi from Jodhpur late on the same night and the next Din severe (on 9th August) met me. The Maharaja accepted without hesitation that he had met Jinnah and that the description of Nawab Bhopal is correct. When Patel came to know about the tricks of the Jodhpur Maharaja, he agreed to go to any extent to persuade the Maharaja. Patel agreed that Maharaja Jodhpur would be able to import arms into the state without any hindrance. Whole food grains will be supplied to the famine-hit districts of the state and for this other regions of India will be ignored. There will be no obstruction by the Maharaja in connecting the line of Jodhpur Railway to the port of Kutch State. The Maharaja was satisfied with Patel's acceptance and decided that he would remain with India.'
Onkar Singh believes that Maharaja Hanwant Singh neither wanted to join Pakistan nor wanted to become the emperor of Rajasthan, but he wanted to pressurize Sardar Patel to get maximum facilities for his state.
According to freedom fighter Praveen Chandra Chhabra, if Sardar Patel had not warned of arresting the Jodhpur Maharaja, then history could have been different. Gokul Bhai Bhatt has written- 'The matter of Jodhpur was getting very complicated then, because the Maharaja of Jodhpur was colluding with Pakistan. There was also correspondence with him. The draft agreement was also ready. Some actresses were also sent from there. A lot happened like this.'
Sardar Patel called Jodhpur Maharaja to Delhi and said- 'Do you want to go with Pakistan? So they got scared, could not answer anything and the Sardar said a little sternly that look! If you want to go, I will send you, the state will not go. In this way some scolding was also done. When Rajmata heard that Hanuwant Singh had been called by Sardar in this way, she told me (Gokul Bhai Bhatt) that personally, Gokul Bhai, take care that no such thing happens. You have to live with the country, with India, and whatever my son may or may not have done, he should be forgotten. Sardar sahib, don't do so much on him. Ruansi mother requested Bhattji to put her hand on my head and help in this, all these things are there. Eventually the Jodhpur Maharaja agreed and signed the letter of merger with the Union of India.'
In the light of the above facts, it can be said that the king of Jodhpur must have been caught in the tricks of Bhopal Nawab and Maharajrana Dholpur and reached Jinnah to find out the possibilities that he has more advantage, in meeting in the Union of India, To meet in Pakistan or to maintain a separate existence independent of these two countries?
Ganesh Prasad Barnwal has written- 'The Hindu kings of Jodhpur and Travancore tried to do some separatist tricks, but Patel's alertness made them water-water.'
First Sumanesh Joshi published newspaper from Jodhpur 'Riyasati' In I busted the intention of the king of Jodhpur to join Pakistan. In the issue of 20 August 1947, 'The vassals of Rajputana and the plans of Nawab Bhopal were not fulfilled' According to the report published under the title, the happiness that has been brought about in the political field by the union admission of Jodhpur state, it is also surprising that why did the new Maharaja hesitate to enter the union, despite his Tilakotsav speech?
Bhopal Nawab tried to establish contact with 16 princely states through air planes. He succeeded in the case of Jodhpur because he had vassals all around him who were in favor of annexing the princely state to Pakistan. As indicated in an article by Kshatriya Veer published in the press of Maharaja Sahib's Nanihal Hideout, Pakistan is lenient towards the Jagir system whereas India wants to raise this practice.
Therefore, the vassals of the palace naturally preferred Pakistan more than India. This has brought a lot of infamy to the princely state of Jodhpur. In the conspiracy to stay away from the Union of India, it was also propagated that Sir Stafford Cripps would come to India and after talking to him, the princely states would be directly related to England. Many people were going to be fooled by this name.
Therefore, other people were also given the temptation to remain independent from Pakistan's side. Jodhpur's temporary hitch was the collective result of all these things. Bhopal's message was also sent to Jam Saheb but he rejected it. The message of Jodhpur went to Udaipur Maharaja, to which Maharana gave a strong reply. Jodhpur's entry into the union is also a matter of great discussion in the assembly lobby.