Don't get peace even after dying
India was divided into three pieces, but even after dying, the statement of peace was fulfilled. Even after being separated, the dispute of Kashmir got stuck in the air like a camel's tail. First in AD 1948, then in AD 1965, then in AD 1971 and then in AD 1993, Pakistan invaded India. A large part of Kashmir is still sitting under pressure from Pakistan, out of which it has given a large part on lease to China. It can be understood in this way that out of the territory that India had received from the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, today only 45 percent is left under the control of India, including Jammu, Kashmir Valley, Ladakh and Siachen Glacier, while the control of Pakistan. It has 35 percent share in the name of Gilgit, Baltistan and Azad Kashmir. The remaining 20 percent, ie Aksai-Chin and Trans Karakoram tracts, is under Chinese control.
In 1971, when West-Pakistan oppressed the people of East-Pakistan, about one crore Bangladeshis entered India. On this, India sent Muktivahini to protect the Bangladeshis and split Pakistan into two pieces. This made Pakistan look down in front of the world community. Its strength is still in the mind of Pakistan and for the last several decades there are terrorist attacks from across the border in which thousands of Indian civilians and soldiers have lost their lives.
Today's India is at that point of human civilization from where it has to write anew the story of human development on the surface of Moon and Mars. Our steps in the field of science have progressed so much that we have simultaneously launched 29 satellites in space, shot down satellites roaming in space and Indian scientists are doing maneuvers in space but unfortunately the burden of terrorists Pakistan, buried under it, keeps on pulling our steps backward while moving forward. In the last 72 years, hatred and enmity against India has been growing in Pakistan. In the madrassas of Pakistan, children are taught the lesson of hatred against India. In Pakistan's military training institutes, India is portrayed as an enemy nation. The leaders of Pakistan win elections by doing unrestrained propaganda against India. Even after seventy two years of Partition, our fight is not over. We haven't been able to be good neighbours.
Since the separation from India, there is continuous bombardment on the Indian border from Pakistan and Indian soldiers are responding to it. Because of this, soldiers on both sides are being killed continuously. Every year hundreds of terrorists from Pakistan enter India and kill innocent people and soldiers. The whole world is watching this spectacle and we are expecting peace from Pakistan. Our first and last wish is to establish peace in the world but should we expect that understanding from Pakistan which can help India and Pakistan to be established as two good neighbors sometime in the future! What India has not done to show its wisdom on its part! India has maintained its diplomatic relations with Pakistan even after repeated terrorist attacks from across the border and counterfeit currency and weapons coming from there. He has helped Pakistan in natural calamities like floods and earthquakes. Even rail and bus transport services have been run along with it. For seventy two years 'Most Favored Nation' After being given the status of 'Pulmava-Tragedy' This status has since been abolished. It should be said ironically that after the Pulmawa attack, no international flight to India passes over Pakistan, it has to cover an additional route of one and a half thousand kilometers in the Indian Ocean, but buses and trains are still running today. !
Hijacking and Combustion of Indian Aircraft
In January 1971, two Kashmiri youths Mohammad Ashraf and Hashim Qureshi hijacked an Indian plane from Srinagar to Jammu and took it to Pakistan. A huge celebration was celebrated on this in Pakistan. Instead of helping the Government of India, the Government of Pakistan accused India of deliberately hijacking its plane and sending it to Pakistan. The Pakistani government evacuated the aircraft, dropped the Indian nationals in it on the road to Amritsar, and set fire to the Indian aircraft parked at the Lahore airport. The hijackers of the plane, Mohammad Ashraf and Hashim Qureshi, began to be worshiped like heroes in Pakistan. The girls of Lahore University used to make them head over the eyes and some even quarreled with each other to spend the night with them, because they felt proud that the Mujahideen were spending their nights with the community. These terrorists held public meetings at places like Lahore, Lyallpur, Multan, Mintmugri etc. and gave speeches against India. These people were arrested due to excessive pressure from the Government of India. These included terrorist Maqbool Butt, who had escaped from the jails of India. These people gave a statement in the court that the Government of Pakistan is prosecuting us without meaning, we did this work with the consent of the Government of Pakistan.
cultivation of terror
Terrorism is being cultivated openly in Pakistan for the last few decades. Thousands of domestic and foreign terrorists take military training in Pakistan. They are pushed into the border of India by giving them arms and money. When India captures these terrorists, then the government and military of Pakistan adopts various tactics to get them free. The Kandahar episode is a living example of this, when the Indian government released Azhar Masood to Kandahar and he continues to plot terrorist incidents even today by staying in Pakistan. The reality is that terrorists like Masood Azhar and Hafiz Saeed have become the de facto rulers of Pakistan. The government of Pakistan is governed by his orders. The real purpose of these terrorists is to keep sending terrorists like Kasab to India and to create an atmosphere of fear among the people of India.
In 2008, terrorists killed over 50 foreign nationals at the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad. After this British Airways did not fly a single flight to Pakistan for 11 years. After the attack on the Uri Military Camp in Kashmir in September 2016, the Indian Army entered the Pakistani border and conducted a surgical strike on terrorist launching pads in the night of 30 September 2016, in which about 50 terrorists were killed and 7 large camps of terrorists were destroyed. After the Pulmawa episode, on 26 February 2019, the Indian Air Force killed a large number of terrorists by air strikes on the Balakot terrorist training center in Pakistan.
threat to throw a nuclear bomb
Dr. Abdul Qadir Khan is called the father of Pakistan's nuclear program. He worked at the Physics Dynamics Research Laboratory in Amsterdam between AD 1972-75. During this, he gathered some important information regarding uranium and fled to Pakistan by stealing some secret documents from the Netherlands in AD 1976. Qadir Khan developed a uranium enrichment plant in Pakistan. He kept working secretly. In 1983, Kadir Khan was accused of theft of nuclear documents from the Netherlands. After this, the name of Qadir Khan was also associated with selling nuclear designs and materials to North Korea, Iran, Iraq and Libya. Pakistan developed its own atomic bomb on the basis of information stolen by Qadir Khan from the laboratories of the Eureka Group in the Netherlands. UNO asked Pakistan to take action against Qadir Khan. Qadir Khan was taken prisoner but the court of Pakistan found him innocent. Internationally, China is believed to have helped Pakistan's nuclear program. Since Pakistan developed atomic bomb, whenever India takes any step against Pakistan, Pakistan threatens to throw atomic bomb on India. The button of nuclear bomb in Pakistan is with the Pakistani army which is controlled by the international leaders of terrorism and can take any dangerous step by keeping the government of Pakistan in the dark. That is why India's actions always appear weak, but after the Uri and Pulmawa attacks, there has been a change in the attitude towards Pakistan all over the world. Many countries of the world have supported the military operations carried out by India on 30 September 2016 and 26 February 2019 by entering Pakistan.
fears of the future
Report released by the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) in December 2013 'Nuclear famine:Two billion people at risk' It was said that if there was another war in India Pakistan and nuclear weapons were used in it, then it would probably be the end of human civilization on earth. According to the report, nuclear war will have such a bad effect on the global environment and agricultural production that one-fourth of the world's population, that is, more than two billion people can die. It may also happen that along with India and Pakistan, the entire human population of China also ends.
China is a supporter of Pakistan's terrorists
The Narendra Modi government of India started afresh efforts to get Masood Azhar declared as an international terrorist through UNO. The whole world got the support of India but China supported Pakistan by vetoing and Masood Azhar could not be declared a terrorist. China followed this policy for many years. Finally, on 2 May 2019, Masood Azhar was declared an international terrorist on the pressure of many countries of the world including America, Russia, France, England.
Narendra Modi is exposing Pakistan
America has been running its activities against India-Russia friendship in the guise of helping the poor people of Pakistan for the last 70 years, but the tragedy is that the money received from America is snatched by the terrorists of Pakistan and with the same money they take away the entire country including America. conduct terrorist activities in the world. When North Korea threatened to detonate a nuclear bomb on America and China marched to Gwadar port with money to the Pakistani government, America needed a reliable and strong allied country in Asia which could prevent a possible war between America and North Korea. Time can help America and stand firmly against China. Therefore, after Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister of India in the year 2014, there has been a rapid change in the attitude of America and it has started supporting India instead of Pakistan in international forums. Due to the agreements and efforts made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi with America, Israel and Japan, Russia and China have also been forced to pay attention to India and these countries are giving priority to India instead of Pakistan. In this way, the international equations are changing rapidly in the mirror of India-Pakistan relations and the real picture of Pakistan is reaching the world in front of the world.
They are coming again…….
Rohingya Muslims are originally from East-Pakistan, but in the 1960s they left starvation-stricken East-Pakistan and entered the Rakhine province of Myanmar (Burma). From 1962 to 2011, there was military rule in Burma. During this period the Rohingya sat quietly but as soon as democracy came there, the Rohingya Muslims came down on bullying. In June 2012, a Buddhist girl was raped by Rohingya Muslims in Burma's Rakhine province. When the local Buddhists protested, the Rohingyas attacked the Buddhists. About 200 people died in this conflict, of which the number of Rohingyas was high. Rohingyas 'Arakan Rohingya Defense Force' Built and destroyed many Buddhist villages and buried the dead bodies of Buddhists in ravines. The Rohingya Defense Force also killed several police personnel in Rakhine in October 2016. After this the Burma-police started brutally killing the Rohingyas and burning their houses. Due to this a new series of exodus of Rohingyas from Burma started. They fled to Thailand in boats, but Thailand did not allow these boats to stop on the shores of their country. After this the boats of Rohingya Muslims went to Indonesia and the government there gave them shelter. Many Rohingya Muslims fled and took refuge in Bangladesh, but Bangladesh, plagued by starvation and population explosion, is not in a position to bear the burden of Rohingya Muslims, so Rohingyas took the path to India.
The eastern region of India is already full of Bangladeshi infiltrators, so India is not in a position to accept the Rohingyas. भारत में कम्युनिस्ट विचारधारा तथा मानवाधिकारों की पैरवी करने वाले संगठनों से जुड़े बुद्धिजीवियों ने भारत सरकार पर दबाव बनाया कि रोहिंग्या मुसलमानों को भारत स्वीकार करे क्योंकि श्रीलंका तथा तिब्बत से आए बौद्ध शरणार्थियों को, पाकिस्तान से आए हिन्दू शरणार्थियों को एवं बांग्लादेश से आए हिन्दू एवं बिहारी-मुस्लिम शरणार्थियों को भारत स्वीकार करता रहा है। बांग्लादेश तथा बर्मा से आए रोहिंग्या मुसलमान 1980 के दशक से भारत में रह रहे हैं। संयुक्त राष्ट्र की शरणार्थी एजेंसी के अनुसार भारत में रोहिंग्या मुसलमानों की पंजीकृत संख्या 14 हजार से अधिक है। भारतीय एजेंसियों के अनुसार भारत में 40 हजार रोहिंग्या अवैध रूप से रह रहे हैं। ये मुख्य रूप से भारत के जम्मू, हरियाणा, हैदराबाद, दिल्ली, राजस्थान, उत्तर प्रदेश आदि प्रदेशों में रहते हैं। जम्मू में रोहिंग्या मुसलमानों ने हिन्दुओं पर आक्रमण भी किए हैं।
पाकिस्तानियों का पेट भरने वाला कोई नहीं!
अविभाजित भारत का क्षेत्रफल 43,16,746 वर्ग किमी, जनसंख्या 39.50 करोड़ तथा जनसंख्या घनत्व लगभग 92 व्यक्ति प्रति वर्ग किमी था। ई.1947 में विभाजन के बाद भारत का क्षेत्रफल 32,87,263 वर्ग किमी, जनसंख्या 33 करोड़ तथा जनसंख्या घनत्व 100 हो गया। नवनिर्मित पूर्वी-पाकिस्तान का क्षेत्रफल 1,47,570 वर्ग किमी, जनसंख्या 3.00 करोड़ एवं जनसंख्या घनत्व 203 व्यक्ति प्रति वर्ग किमी था जबकि पश्चिमी पाकिस्तान का कुल क्षेत्रफल 8,81,913 वर्ग किमी, जनसंख्या 3.5 करोड़ एवं जनसंख्या घनत्व 40 व्यक्ति प्रति वर्ग किमी था। इस प्रकार पूर्वी-पाकिस्तान एवं पश्चिमी-पाकिस्तान में जनसंख्या का असमान वितरण हुआ। विगत 72 सालों में पूर्वी पाकिस्तान (अब बांग्लादेश) एवं पश्चिमी पाकिस्तान (अब पाकिस्तान) से भारत की ओर जनसंख्या का पलायन होते रहने पर भी वर्तमान में भारत का जनसंख्या घनत्व 416, बांग्लादेश का 1,116 तथा पाकिस्तान का 265 व्यक्ति प्रति वर्ग किमी है। परिवार नियोजन का विरोध करने वाले बांग्लादेश एवं पाकिस्तान का जनसंख्या घनत्व तेजी से बढ़ रहा है। बांग्लादेश और पाकिस्तान इस विशाल जनसंख्या का पेट नहीं भर सकते। इस कारण वहाँ की जनता पश्चिमी बंगाल तथा असम सहित भारत के विभिन्न भागों में आकर छिप रही है। ये वही लोग हैं जिनके लिए जिन्ना ने भारत के शांति-प्रिय लोगों का रक्त बहाकर पाकिस्तान बनाया था। आज इनका पेट भरने वाला कोई नहीं है। संसार में आज इनका कोई दोस्त नहीं है।