At the time of partition, Pakistan got 17.5 percent of India's revenue sources while the army got 33 percent. Akhand Bharat got 33 percent of the Army, 40 percent of the Navy and 20 percent of the air service. For this reason, in the first budget of Pakistan in 1948, 75 percent of the share had to be dedicated for the maintenance and salary of the huge army. , To keep this huge army under control, it was necessary to show the fear of some great danger and keep the army entangled in that danger, otherwise this army would have captured the leaders and people of their own country.
Whereas on the other hand the Pakistani army chief started dreaming of ruling Pakistan on the strength of this big army. This was the reason why the first Commander-in-Chief of the Pakistan Army, Ayub Khan, started saying that the Brahminical nationalism and arrogance of India necessitated the creation of Pakistan. That's why Pakistan needs a big army to protect Pakistan. Thus, instead of reducing Pakistan's disproportionate army, he started increasing more.
Governments in Pakistan are formed by coup d'état
It is famous for Pakistan in the international journalism world that Pakistan is run by Allah, Army and America. Pakistan has a long history of overthrow of governments due to the domination of the army. In 1951, Sir Ghulam Muhammad, the former bureaucrat of India, became the Governor General of Pakistan. During his tenure, in 1954, elections were held for the provincial legislative assemblies in Pakistan, in which the ruling party was badly defeated.
For this reason, on 25 December 1954, Ghulam Muhammad dissolved the Constituent Assembly. His argument was that while the Governor General Jinnah could dissolve the state assemblies, his successors could certainly dissolve the federal structures. In the midst of this struggle for power, Pakistan tasted martial law for the first time when a campaign to expel the people of the country's Ahmadiyya community began after a massive genocide.
From 23 March 1956, a new constitution came into force in the country, through which Pakistan declared itself as an Islamic Republic State, freeing itself from the Dominion Status under the British Commonwealth. In this constitution, the parliamentary system was accepted for the country and provision was made that in the beginning of 1959, the first general elections for the Pakistani Parliament would be held. The office of the President was created by abolishing the post of Governor General.
It was proposed to make the leader of the Parliament the Prime Minister, who was to run the country under the President. Before general elections were held in Pakistan, the history of the government coup was repeated once again in September 1958 when the President of Pakistan, Major General Iskander Mirza, suspended the then constitution of Pakistan and deposed Prime Minister Firoz Khan Noon and Military rule was declared in the country. Ayub Khan, the martial law administrator appointed by Mirza, overthrew President Iskandar Mirza 13 days later, i.e. on 7 October 1958, and declared himself the President. General Ayub Khan ruled Pakistan for 9 years.
From 1 March 1962, a new constitution was announced in the country and Pakistan was declared as the Republic of Pakistan. President's government system was accepted in the country and provision of indirect system was made for voting. Presidential elections were held in Pakistan on 2 February 1965 under the new constitution.
After the rigging of these elections, President Ayub Khan was again declared the President. Thus the rule of the country went under the umbrella of the army forever. Even today, the Pakistani army and the intelligence agency ISI rule the country. From the President of Pakistan to the Prime Minister and the judges of the Supreme Court, they are puppets in the hands of the army.
In 1969, General Yahya Khan overthrew Ayub Khan and himself became the President. He conducted the first general elections in the country in 1970, but after the election results came, he was reluctant to form the government. Finally, on 7 December 1971, the government of Nurul Amin was formed, but this government could rule only for 13 days.
In 1973, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was sworn in as the Prime Minister of Pakistan. He made a statement in the UNO that he is ready to fight India for a thousand years. Bhutto made his trusted military officer General Ziaul Haq the head of the Pakistani army, but he betrayed Bhutto and on 4 July 1977, Bhutto was arrested along with his party members and dissolved the National Assembly and himself became the President.
It was the longest running martial law in the history of Pakistan. Ziaul Haq hanged Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. In 1988, Ziaul Haq died in a plane crash.
After this, in 1988, the Pakistan People's Party, founded by the late Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, came to power again and Benazir Bhutto, the daughter of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, became the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Two years later, in 1990, the President of Pakistan, Ghulam Ishaq Khan, dismissed the Bhutto government.
After that Nawaz Sharif's government was in existence from 1 November 1990 to 18 July 1993. This government also could not complete its term. From AD 1993 to AD 1996, Benazir Bhutto was the Prime Minister of the country for the second time but she could not complete her term this time also. In the general elections of 1997, Nawaz Sharif again won, and from 17 February 1997 to 12 October 1999, he held the post of Prime Minister for the second time.
Nawaz Sharif appointed General Pervez Musharraf as Chief of Army Staff. In October 1999, when Pervez Musharraf was on a visit to Sri Lanka, Nawaz Sharif deposed him and appointed General Aziz as Chief of Army Staff. Nawaz Sharif did not know that General Aziz Pervez was Musharraf's confidant. General Pervez Musharraf, after returning from Sri Lanka, arrested Nawaz Sharif and his ministers, imprisoned them and became the President himself.
In the same year i.e. in AD 1999, after being convicted in corruption cases, former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto also left Pakistan and moved to Dubai, the city of United Arab Emirates. The military government of Pakistan investigated various allegations of corruption against Bhutto and acquitted Benazir Bhutto. Benazir Bhutto returned to Pakistan on 18 October 2007. On the same day during a rally in Karachi there were two suicide attacks on Benazir Bhutto in which 140 people were killed but Benazir survived but on 27 December 2007 Benazir was assassinated at an election rally.
In 2000, the Supreme Court of Pakistan declared Nawaz Sharif guilty of corruption. On this basis, Pervez Musharraf wanted to hang Nawaz Sharif like Bhutto, but Saudi Arabia and America intervened and saved Nawaz Sharif from being hanged. On this Musharraf expelled Sharif from Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif lived in Jeddah for almost seven years.
Nawaz Sharif returned to Pakistan on 10 September 2007 but was immediately sent back to Jeddah from the airport. In the year 2011, Nawaz Sharif got permission to visit Pakistan and on 5 June 2013 he became the Prime Minister of Pakistan for the third time. In 2016, the Supreme Court of Pakistan disqualified Nawaz Sharif for the post of Prime Minister after his name appeared in the Panma paper leak.
Due to this, Nawaz Sharif had to be removed from the post of Prime Minister on 28 July 2017. Since then Nawaz Sharif is again spending days in jail. He has been banned from going out of Pakistan. On 18 August 2018, Imran Khan became the 20th Prime Minister of Pakistan. That too is nothing more than a puppet in the hands of the army.
Pakistan, the site of political killings
Pakistan is the site of political killings and death under suspicious circumstances. A few months after the creation of Pakistan, the first Governor General Muhammad Ali Jinnah died of neglect and tuberculosis. In 1951, the first Prime Minister of Pakistan, Liaquat Ali Khan was assassinated. After that Yahya Khan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, General Muhammad Ziaul Haq and Benazir Bhutto etc. Pakistani President and Prime Minister were killed through terrorist activities, political assassinations and hanging etc. Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, former President Asif Ali Zardari and military dictator-turned-President Pervez Musharraf are in Pakistani jails at the time of writing the book.