Jesus Christ is believed to have been born in AD 4. He was born in a Jewish family in Nazareth. Princeps Augustus Octavian Caesar, the successor of Julius Caesar before his birth 'Great Roman Empire' had established. Nazareth, the birthplace of Jesus Christ, was located in this vast Roman Empire. Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah about whom the scriptures of the Jews 'Tankh' It is written in Judaism that a Messiah will be born in Judaism who will be a messenger of God and will save the Jews.
Jesus Christ was born by divine grace from the womb of a virgin mother. Jesus Christ started preaching his ideas in a city called Galilee. In many countries of Central Asia, the people of Ladakh and Kashmir provinces of India and the inhabitants of Tibet region, it is believed that Jesus Christ visited them while traveling.
Visiting different places on earth, after the age of thirty, Jesus reached Jerusalem, the main center of the Jews, where he started spreading his ideas. Some Jews hoped that this was the Messiah the Jews had been waiting for for the past two thousand years.
The Jews hoped from the Messiah of their imaginations that he would give wealth and happiness to the Jews and would solve the troubles due to which the Jews were always the target of the followers of other religions of the world, but Jesus opposed the imaginary paradise of the Jews. And also opposed those stories according to which human beings should spend their all for the attainment of heaven.
The Jews were disappointed to see that Jesus Christ was opposing the rituals, fasting and sayings of the rich and hypocrites in Judaism. So they captured Jesus and presented him in the court of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Jerusalem, and prosecuted him for rebellion against religion.
The Roman Empire was very vast and people of many religions and beliefs lived in it. Therefore, the emperors of Ram were not narrow-minded in the matter of religion. Even if a person abused Roman gods and goddesses, he was not punished. The then Roman emperor Tiberius used to say that 'If a person insults the gods and goddesses, then let the gods and goddesses deal with them themselves.
So when Jesus was captured and presented before the Roman governor Pontius Pilate, he did not care at all about the religious side of the matter. While the Jewish-religionists considered Jesus to be a heretic, the Roman Empire officials considered him a political-rebel and a Greek-religious social-rebel. So Jesus was put on trial for all these mixed charges.
Jesus was sentenced to death by the court of the Roman governor and he was crucified at a place called Golgotha. In these heartless moments of suffering, even Jesus' loved ones left him. This betrayal made Jesus' suffering so unbearable that it came out of his mouth - 'My God! my god! Why have you abandoned me!'
The crucifixion of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem and the Roman Empire was so insignificant at that time that the Romans had no idea that a governor of their empire had 'Son of the Lord' has been crucified. Even in Jerusalem there was no movement.
Then no one in Rome could have imagined that in the coming centuries, Rome would become the largest capital of a future new religion in the name of this son of the Lord, and that only a Christian bishop of the Church of Rome would be called the Pope in the world. Will discipline all Christian-kings and Christian-people throughout and will have the power to punish or reward them.