On 16 March 37, Augustus Caesar's great-grandson Caligula assassinated the then Roman emperor Tiberius. At that time Tiberius was 77 years old. Then came the Caligula Impressor. He could rule only for four and a half years. Emperor Caligula was assassinated on 24 January 41 at the age of 28 by members of the Senate and his bodyguards.
Roman armies on England
Now the only surviving heir of the Caesar family, Caligula's uncle Claudius (I), the grandson of Augustus Caesar, became the ruler of Rome. Till now the countries of Europe such as Germany, Gaul (France) and Italy had been under the great Roman Empire, but Claudius conquered Britain in AD 43 and made it a Roman colony. He ruled Rome for about 14 years.
Princess Agrippina
Augustus Caesar's great-granddaughter Agrippina was a very ambitious princess. She was married to a Roman noble who made her 'Nero There was a son named '. Agrippina left her husband to make Nero Emperor of Rome and married Emperor Claudius I of Rome, who was also Princess Agrippina's maternal uncle. Agrippina convinced the emperor that Nero would be the emperor of Rome after Claudius.
Claudius accepted Nero as his adopted son and declared him his heir. In AD 54, Agrippina poisoned the 64-year-old Emperor Claudius and killed him and made his son Nero emperor of Rome.
The Romans welcomed and supported Nero because he was a descendant of Emperor Augustus by both paternal and maternal lineage. In the beginning of his reign, Nero ruled the kingdom under the guidance of his guru 'Seneca', but soon the bad qualities started appearing in Nero. In AD 55, he poisoned his rival Britannicus, who, being his son of the late Emperor Claudius, claimed to be the de facto official of the kingdom. Four years later, Nero also killed his mother Agrippina. Then he also got his wife 'Octavia' killed and one day his other wife 'Papia' also got killed in anger.
He wanted to marry a third woman but that woman refused. On this Nero also put him to death. Nero then had another woman's husband killed so that he could make her his wife. Finding clues to a conspiracy, he ordered his mentor Seneca to commit suicide.
Apart from these people, Emperor Nero executed many other famous men and women. Due to these bad qualities of the emperor, discontent against him started increasing in the state. Yet he was a mighty king whose people could do nothing. Nero made a peace agreement with the Parthians (Persian Empire) between AD 58-63. This was his greatest achievement.
St. Peter's entry into Rome
'Saint Peter' one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Came to Rome after the death of Jesus. Saint Peter was the first bishop of the Church of Rome. Due to this, Rome became a holy city in the eyes of Christians around the world, and the bishops of the Church of Rome were considered to be of special importance among the bishops of churches around the world. At that time Rome was ruled by Nero. Nero hanged St. Peter in AD 64 or AD 68 because St. Peter was trying to propagate Christianity in place of ancient Roman religion.
St. Peter's body is buried in the church of Vatican City in the heart of Rome, now 'St. Peter's Basilica' and 'Papal Basilica of St. Peter in Vatican City' is called. Vatican City is now located as an independent country.
Although St. Peter was one of the beloved disciples of the Lord Jesus, St. Peter or his church could not have a special impact on the Romans during that period because the rulers of Rome were against Christianity and believed in ancient Roman religion. This is the reason that for the next two and a half hundred years the Romans continued to follow their ancient Roman religion.
Fire and Nero's Violin in Rome
It is believed that Nero was a king of very strange nature. In AD 64, flames erupted in a very mysterious way in the city of Rome, due to which more than half the city was burnt to ashes. It is said that when Rome was burning with smoke, Nero was standing in one place and playing the violin. After the fire was extinguished, Nero began the work of rebuilding the city and created a 'Golden Temple' for himself A grand palace was built. The tax burden on the public was increased to get money for the construction of the temple. This also spread discontent among the people against their king.
To take advantage of the discontent spread around the kingdom, the Roman governor of Spain attacked Rome with his forces. Nero's bodyguard army also joined the rebel governor. Because of this Nero had to flee the kingdom. Meanwhile, the Senate decided to hang him. Nero committed suicide on 9 June 68, at the age of only 30, to avoid the humiliation of arrest.
End of Julius Caesar's dynasty
After Nero, a young man named 'Gaias' ascended the throne of Rome under the name of 'Julius Caesar Octavianus', but he was removed after a few days. With this the rule of Julius Caesar's dynasty from Rome came to an end. After this there was chaos in Rome and civil war broke out.
Flavian lineage
The Flavian dynasty was established in Rome in AD 68, but this dynasty could rule only till AD 96. On 8 June 68, 71-year-old Galba became Roman emperor, but only 7 months later, on 15 January 69, he was assassinated by his bodyguards. The assassins were led by a military officer named Otho. He became the next king of Rome. He could only rule for 91 days.
A warrior named Vitilius revolted. Otho was defeated in a battle on both sides and committed suicide on 16 April 69 at the age of 36. Vitilius became the next king but he could only rule for 8 months. He was killed by Vespasian's army. Vespasian ruled Rome for nine and a half years. He pacified the civil discontent in the state by reducing the taxes on the public and established discipline in the army.
During his time a huge Colosseum was built in Rome. In his time no one in Rome was indebted to anyone. He also made reforms in the rule of Spain. He made his son Titus co-emperor. Vespasian died on 24 June 79 at the age of 69 and Titus became the ruler of Rome.
During his time a large volcano erupted in the Roman Empire. Emperor Titus helped the subjects a lot in this calamity, due to which he became very popular among the subjects. He died on 13 September 81 at the age of 41 and Vespasian's second son Domitian became the next king. He ruled for 15 years. On 12 September 96, at the age of 44, he was murdered by his courtiers. With that came the end of the Flavian dynasty.
Nerva-Antoine Dynasty
The Nerva-Antoine dynasty was established in AD 96. This dynasty ruled till AD 192 but the period of AD 96-180 is said to be the period of five good emperors who ruled peacefully in the empire. His relations with the Parthian Empire in the east also remained peaceful.
Although these Roman emperors fought wars with the Persians (Iranians) in Armenia and Mesopotamia (Iraq), their victories and peace agreements continued to expand the empire. This is called the Nerva-Antoine dynasty. The first ruler of this dynasty was Nerva who was appointed emperor by the Senate. He died only a year and a half later at the age of 67.
The peak of the great Roman Empire
Nerva's adopted son Trajan is considered a great conqueror. During his time Roman armies conquered Dacia, Arabia, Mesopotamia and Armenia and during his time the Great Roman Empire reached its zenith. He was awarded the best emperor by the Senate. He ruled Rome for about 20 years. He died on 7 August 117 at the age of 63.
Architecture in Rome reached its zenith during Trajan's successor Hadrian. During his time, huge buildings were built in Rome and new designs of buildings were developed.
Efforts to Stop Christianity
Hadrian was followed by Antonio Pius and then Lucius Verus as emperor. Lucius made Marcus Aurelius co-emperor. Lucius died of the plague in March 169 at the age of 39. His successor Marcus Aurelius gained fame as the great thinker king of Rome.
He made great efforts to stop the growing Christianity in the state and gave harsh punishments to the Christian preachers. He ruled for 19 years and died at the age of 58. He made his son Comodos co-ruler.
End of Nerva-Antoine Dynasty
In 180 AD, Comodos became the ruler of Rome. He ruled as a co-ruler for three years during his father's reign and as a single ruler for 12 years thereafter. His rule was peaceful at first but later rebellions started against him and there were attempts to kill him. Because of this he also tortured some rebels.
This sparked a civil war in the state. On 31 December 192 his bodyguards surrounded him in the palace and strangled him to death in the bathhouse. With that the Nerva-Antoine dynasty came to an end.
After that Pertinax was made king by the Praetorian Guard on 1 January 193. He was killed by his bodyguards only after ruling for 86 days. The next king, Didius Julianus, was allowed to rule for only 65 days and was put on trial by the Senate. This caused chaos in the Roman Empire.
Severan Dynasty
From AD 193 to 235, Rome was ruled by the Severan dynasty. In a span of just 42 years, 6 kings of this dynasty sat on the throne of Rome. On 9 April 193 the Roman armies declared their commander Septimius Severus the emperor of Rome. Septimius Severus was born in North Africa and began his life as a soldier. Soon he became a military commander.
When his army declared him emperor of Rome, he entered the capital Rome to take over the kingdom. Not a single person came to oppose him. He later proved to be the most successful emperor of the Roman Empire.
He suppressed the riots and conspiracies of the citizens and the feudal lords. He ruled Rome for 18 years. He made his son Caracella co-ruler. Septimius Severus died in AD 211 at the age of 65 and his son Caracella became the ruler of Rome. He made his brother Geta co-ruler.
Only 10 months later, Guetta was assassinated by order of Caracella. Caracalla was able to rule only for 6 years. He was murdered by a soldier at the age of only 29. A big conspiracy was hatched in the state for his murder.
Macrinus, the chief of his bodyguard army, was involved in this conspiracy. Macrinus became the ruler of Rome after Caracella was assassinated. He made his 10-year-old son Diadumanian co-ruler.
After a brief reign of 13 months, the Senate removed the father and son on trial and made the 14-year-old boy Algaballus emperor.
Fourteen-year-old Algaballus was the grandson of Septimius Severus' brother. Algaballus was to be succeeded by Caracella, but at that time he was denied the throne on the allegation that he was the illegitimate son of Caracella. Now Algaballus was aided by the Syrian armies, so on their strength he became the king of Rome, but after a rule of four and a half years, he was also killed by the Roman bodyguard army.
At that time he was only 18 years old. After this, another grandson of Septimius Severus' brother, Cerveus Alexander, who was a cousin of Elgaballus, ascended the throne. He ruled Rome for 13 years but he too was executed on 18 March 235 at the age of 27 by the bodyguard army.
During the Severan dynasty, citizens of all the provinces and colonies of Rome were given Roman citizenship. This dynasty continued to rule the great Roman Empire till AD 235. After this came a period of crisis in Rome. In the east the Persian Empire was becoming more powerful. A state of civil war had also arisen within the empire.
Gordian Dynasty
In AD 235, the Gordian dynasty was established in Rome. This dynasty could only rule Rome for 50 years. Maximinus Thrax, the first ruler of this dynasty, was killed by a bodyguard army after only ruling for three and a half years. After this Gordian (I) became the king of Rome. A few days after his accession to the throne, he received news of the death of his son Gordian (II) in the Battle of Carthage. Hearing this, Gordian (1st) committed suicide.
It had been only 21 days since he sat on the throne that day. After Gordion, the 73-year-old Pupinus became the king of Rome, but he was killed by the bodyguard army only 97 days later. After that Bulbinus became emperor of Rome but he was killed by Rome's bodyguard army only 93 days later.
After this Gordian (III) ascended the throne. He was the grandson of Gordian (I) and nephew of Gordian (II). He reigned for about 6 years but was killed only at the age of 19 due to a conspiracy by the head of the bodyguard's army, Philip Arab (1st).
उसके बाद फिलिप अरब (प्रथम) राजसिंहासन का अधिकारी हुआ। उसने अपने पुत्र फिलिप (द्वितीय) को सहशासक बनाया। फिलिप अरब पाँच साल तक ही शासन कर पाया था कि अपने सामंत डेसियस के विरुद्ध वेरोना के युद्ध में लड़ते हुए मारा गया। उसके पुत्र फिलिप (द्वितीय) को उसके अंगरक्षकों ने मार डाला।
सितम्बर 249 में डेसियस रोम का शासक हुआ। उसने अपने पुत्र हेरेनियस एट्रुस्कस को सह-शासक बनाया। जून 251 में ये दोनों ही ‘गोथ’ नामक जर्मन कबीले की सेना से लड़ते हुए मारे गए। इसके बाद डेसियस के दूसरे पुत्र हॉस्टिलियन को सीनेट ने उसका उत्तराधिकारी मान लिया किंतु वह भी केवल 4-5 माह के शासन के बाद मात्र 21 वर्ष की आयु में मृत्यु को प्राप्त हुआ।
उसके बाद मोएसिया का गवर्नर ट्रेबोनियानस गैलुस ई.251 में गद्दी पर बैठा। उसने अपने पुत्र वोल्यूसियानस को सह-शासक घोषित किया किंतु 2 साल बाद ही सम्राट ट्रेबोनियानस को उसके अपने सैनिकों ने मार डाला तथा एमीलियन शासक हुआ। उसने गोथों पर भारी विजय प्राप्त की थी किंतु वह भी 2 माह बाद उसके अपने सैनिकों द्वारा मार डाला गया।
अब नॉरीकम एवं रेटिया का गवर्नर वेलेरियन रोम का राजा हुआ। उसे सात साल शासन करने के बाद 65 वर्ष की आयु में पर्सियन सेना द्वारा ऐडेसा के युद्ध में बंदी बना लिया गया, बंदी अवस्था में ही उसकी मृत्यु हुई। उसके बाद वेलेरियन का पुत्र गैलीनस रोम का सम्राट हुआ।
उसने अपने पुत्र सैलोनस को सह-शासक बनाया। गैलीनस को 15 साल के शासन के बाद ई.268 में 50 वर्ष की आयु में एक्वीलिया में अपने ही सेनापतियों द्वारा मार डाला गया। गैलीनस के दूसरे पुत्र क्लॉडियस गॉथिकस ने सिंहासन पर अधिकार कर लिया।
वह लगभग डेढ़ साल शासन करने के बाद प्लेग से मर गया। उसकी मृत्यु के बाद उसके भाई क्विण्टिलस ने गद्दी पर अधिकार कर लिया। कुछ ही दिन बाद या तो उसकी हत्या कर दी गई या उसे आत्मघात करना पड़ा।
ई.270 में ऑरेलियन शासक हुआ, उसने रोमन साम्राज्य की एकता को पुनः स्थापित किया किंतु पाँच साल के शासन के बाद सितम्बर 275 में उसकी भी उसके अंगरक्षकों ने हत्या कर दी। इसके बाद ऑरेलियन की रानी यूल्पिया सेवेरेना ने रोम का शासन संभाला किंतु कुछ ही दिन बाद 25 सितम्बर 275 को उसे सीनेट ने हटा दिया और 76 वर्षीय टैक्टियस को रोम का सम्राट बनाया किंतु जून 276 में उसकी भी हत्या हो गई।
इस पर पश्चिम में नियुक्त रोम की सेनाओं ने टैक्टियस के भाई फ्लोरियानस को रोम का सम्राट बना दिया किंतु तीन माह के भीतर सितम्बर 276 में वह भी रोमन सेनाओं द्वारा मार डाला गया। अब सेना पूर्वी प्रांत के गवर्नर प्रोबस को सम्राट बनाना चाहती थी।
प्रोबस केवल 6 साल तक शासन कर सका और अक्टूबर 282 में उसकी भी उसके अंगरक्षकों ने हत्या कर दी तथा कारुस रोम का सम्राट हुआ। केवल 10-11 माह के शासन के बाद ही बिजली गिर जाने से उसकी मृत्यु हो गई। उसका पुत्र कैरीनस राजा हुआ किंतु दो वर्ष बाद ही ई.284 में वह डियोक्लेटियन से युद्ध करता हुआ मारा गया। इसके बाद कारुस का पुत्र नुमेरियन राजा हुआ किंतु नवम्बर 284 में उसकी भी हत्या कर दी गई। इसके साथ ही गोर्डियन वंश की समाप्ति हो गई।