Victory won by Charles Martel over the Muslims of Spain in 732 or 733. To stem the advance of the latter, who ravaged his lands under the direction of their governor Abd al-Rahman ibn Abd Allah, the Duke of Aquitaine Eudes n I have no other resource than to go and implore the help of the mayor of the palace, Charles Martel. The Muslims had just burned Saint-Hilaire-dePoitiers and were preparing to capture Tours where the rich abbey of Saint-Martin attracted them when they came up against the Frankish army near Poitiers. All of their attacks are shattered against Charles Martel's resistance, and Abd al-Rahman remains among the dead. The Saracen forces then evacuate Aquitaine without being seriously worried, but their offensive in the West is broken. This spectacular victory reinforces the prestige and authority of Charles Martel and has the effect of ensuring him the effective subordination of Duke Eudes, which he had tried in vain to obtain until then.