The 43rd Marine Infantry Battalion (43rd BIMa) is a troop corps of marine troops stationed in Port-Bouët, south of Abidjan, in Ivory Coast. He is part of the TFCI, French troops stationed in Ivory Coast.
The 43rd BIMa created on July 1, 1978 from the 4th battalion of he Marine Infantry (4th BIMa) is the heir of the 43rd Colonial Infantry Regiment (43rd RIC) and the 43rd Marine Infantry Regiment (43rd RIMa).
Postal address:43rd Marine Infantry Battalion (43rd BIMa) SP 85106 - 00855 Armies (France)
Commanding Officers
* lieutenant-colonel du Perron de Revel:-2005
* lieutenant-colonel Patrick de Vathaire:2005-
Mission and major materials[edit]
The 43rd BIMA ensures the presence of a French unit under the defense agreements signed with the Ivory Coast.
Major equipment:VAB, VLRA, ERC-90 Sagaie, VLTT, barges, 1 mortar section 120, 1 ground-air defense element.
43rd Colonial Infantry Regiment
The 43rd Colonial Infantry Regiment is a unit of the French army.
It is a colonial reserve regiment, created in August 1914 and attached to the 23rd colonial infantry regiment.
He received the fourragère in the colors of the Legion of Honor on 03/01/1919
He received the fourragère in the colors of the Military Medal on 03/21/1919
Flag Inscriptions:
* ARTOIS 1915
* VERDUN 1916
* AISNE 1917-1918
* REIMS 1918
* INDOCHINE 1956-1954
Creation and barracks in 1914
The First World War
* Battle of Morhange
* Victories of Lorraine:
September:Grand Crowned
* Race to the sea:
* September:Givenchy-en-Gohelle:
Battle of Verdun
Ladies' Path:
* April 16:Laffaux
* August-October:Craonne
Mountain of Reims:
2nd Colonial Infantry Division:November 1916 - May 1917
43rd Marine Infantry Regiment
Recreated on April 1, 1960 in Offenburg, a town located in the Rhine plain at the foot of the Black Forest in Germany, the 43rd Rima is the direct heir of the 43rd RIC. First of all 43rd RBima (Armored Marine Infantry Regiment), it will consist of a Command and Support Squadron, as well as three squadrons of three platoons of five AMX 13 90mm tanks, to which will be added more later a squadron of three platoons of four AMX 13 75mm SS11, then an Instruction Group called 11th squadron. On May 1, 1968, the 43rd RBima became the 43rd Rima (Marine Infantry Regiment). It then included a Command and Support Squadron, two infantry companies, the 1st and 4th, with three sections of four AMX 13 VTT (Troop Transport Vehicle), two squadrons, the 2nd and 3rd with four platoons of three AMX 13 90mm F1 tanks and a platoon of four AMX 13 75mm SS11, as well as an Instruction Group, the 11th squadron , made up of three training platoons and a Hors-Rang platoon comprising the permanent staff of the 11th squadron.
The dissolution of the 43rd Rima to be reconstituted in Côte d'Ivoire in Abidjan on July 1, 1978, was to give way in its quarters of Montalègre to the 42nd RI. Its future metropolitan executives began to be transferred to the 43rd Rima from the last quarter of 1977. Throughout its stationing in Offenburg, the units of the 43rd Rima made numerous reliefs in Berlin within the 46th RI and the 11th Chasseur , proof that this regiment (one of the most decorated in France), actively participated in missions dedicated to the FFA (French Forces in Germany).