The Varzika agreement marked the beginning of a period of turmoil in Greece rather than the end of a chapter of political strife. The struggle immediately focused on the form of government that the nation would adopt. When, on March 31, 1946, general elections were held, the Communists and related parties boycotted them. With 60% of the votes cast, the populist (monarchist) party, led by Constantin Tsaldaris. won 231 out of 354 seats in Parliament.
Tsaldaris took office in April. During the December uprising, the Communists seized a number of hostages and took them to the North; this act, together with many atrocities of which they were guilty. stripped them of much of the support of the members of the E.A.M. Nevertheless, a deep sense of disappointment spread in Greece after the war. During the years of struggle against the common enemy a hope was born, that of a social and political rebirth, but after the liberation, the months passed without this hope materializing. Soon the impression took hold that Greece was going to reconnect with the political intrigues that had preceded the Metaxas dictatorship, so much so that despite their grievances against the Communists, many turned to them, moved by the hope for a revival.
Despite the defeat it had suffered in January 1945, the E.A.M. saw the possibility of seizing power and was encouraged by the new attitude of Moscow. Events might turn in his favor this time. In January 1946, the Security Council of the United Nations indeed met for the first time and the Soviet government also requested the withdrawal of British troops from Greece. he refused to take part in the international monitoring of the elections which would take place in Greece in March.
In May 1946, fighting broke out in northern Greece, prelude to the third attempt by the Communists to seize power. On September 1, the Tsaldaris government organized the promised plebiscite and 70% of voters voted in favor of the king's return. His popularity had bottomed out during the war. then it rose again:the Greek people had come to see in monarchy the best guarantee against the establishment of a communist regime.