Ancient history


The Cherusci (Latin Cherusci) are a powerful Germanic nation at the time of ancient Rome, established in the Weser region (between the Elbe and the Teutoburg Forest). Mentioned by Caesar and submitted to the Romans in the year 12 BC. BC, they rose up at the call of Arminius, they destroyed three Roman legions, they took an important part in the fight against Roman domination, participated in the uprising against Varus in the year 9 and against Germanicus in 15 and 16 AD. They regained their independence before emigrating to Saxony. A high degree of civilization is attested by excavations. With Arminius and the battle of Teutoburg in 9 AD, they are at the origin of the formation of the confederation of the Franks (Chérusques, Bructères, Chattes, Marses).

They were no doubt subsequently absorbed by the powerful tribe of Cats.

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