Ancient history

Sumerian Religion - History of Sumerian Religion

Religious beliefs of the people of ancient Sumer. The Sumerians believed that the Universe was ruled by a pantheon formed by a group of living beings, in human form, but immortal and possessing superhuman powers. These beings, they believed, were invisible to mortal eyes and guided and controlled the cosmos according to a pre-established plan and rigorously elaborated laws.

The Sumerians had four fundamental deities, known as creator gods. These gods were:An, god of the sky; Ki, goddess of the earth; Enlil, god of air and Enki, god of water. Sky, earth, air and water were considered the four most important components of the Universe. The gods conceived the me, a set of immutable universal rules and laws that all beings were obliged to obey.

Next in importance to the creator deities were the three celestial deities:Nanna, god of the Moon; Utu, sun god and Inanna, queen of heaven. Inanna was also goddess of love, procreation and war. Nanna was the father of Utu and Inanna. Another god of great importance was Ninurta, the deity of the violent and destructive south wind. One of the dearest gods was the shepherd-god Dumuzi; originally he was a mortal ruler whose marriage to Inanna ensured the fertility of the land and procreative fecundity.

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