Ancient history

Timeline - Middle Ages

486- Clovis became king of the Franks and founded the Merovingian dynasty, ruler of the First Frankish State.

527-565 Justinian I ruled the Byzantine Empire and developed the famous Justinian Code of Laws.

622- Muhammad, founder of the Muslim religion, fled from Mecca to Medina. Muhammad's flight, called the Hegira, marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar.

661- The Umayyad caliphate established the capital of the Muslim empire in Damascus.

711- The Muslims invaded Spain and started the occupation that lasted about 700 years.

732- Charles Martel led the Franks in defeating the Muslim invaders at Tours. This victory prevented the Muslims from conquering Europe.

750- The Abbasid caliphate replaced the Umayyads as rulers of the Muslim empire and later established the new capital in Baghdad.

750- Charlemagne became ruler of the Franks.

770 - The Chinese invented woodblock printing.

800- Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne Emperor of the Romans.

843- The Treaty of Verdun divided Charlemagne's empire into three parts, beginning the national development of France, Germany and Italy.

862- Rurik, chief of the Varangians (Vikings), established his government in Novgorod and founded the Russian empire.

878- Alfred the Great of England defeated the Danes at the Battle of Edington.

969- The Fatimids conquered Egypt and made Cairo the center of the Muslim empire.

987- Hugh Capet became King of France and founded the Capetian dynasty that ruled until 1328.

1000- Leif Ericson sailed westward from Greenland to the North American continent. He commanded what was probably the first European expedition to the continent of the Americas.

1016 - Canute became King of England and submitted the whole country to Danish rule.

1037 - The Seldjuk Turks conquered most of the Iranian kingdoms.

1066- Norman forces, under William the Conqueror, defeated the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Hastings, ending Anglo-Saxon rule in England.

1099- Christian forces conquered Jerusalem at the end of the First Crusade.

1187- Muslim troops under Saladin's command reconquered Jerusalem.

1192- Yorimoto became the first shogun to rule Japan.

1215- Barons of England forced King John to sign the Magna Carta.

1279- Kublai Khan led the Mongols in completing the conquest of China.

1368- The Ming dynasty began their 300-year rule in China.

1440- Johannes Gutenberg, a German printer, invented movable type.

1453- The Ottoman Turks conquered Constantinople (Istanbul) and overthrew the Byzantine Empire.

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