Ancient history

What does it mean to be left-handed?

Since 1976 the International Left-Handers Day has been celebrated , commemorative date established by the Lefthanders International , with the purpose of reflecting and eradicating all kinds of discrimination towards those people who have this condition, according to which their motor skills are concentrated on the left side of their body, due to a greater development of the right cerebral hemisphere . In a world where it is considered "normal" to be right-handed, left-handers they have suffered various limitations for their personal and social development. At one time, left-handedness was even considered a defect, which doctors and parents tried to correct as soon as they saw its first manifestations, tying the left hand to children so that they would learn, by force, to write with the right. Although this erroneous thought has now been overcome, even left-handers must defend their particularity and adapt utensils, musical instruments, driving techniques, etc., designed and intended for the right-handed majority. However, it is a fact that many illustrious personalities in history and art have been left-handed, as we will learn in the following note. Happy day to all the lefties of Peru and the world .

Be left-handed it is much more than using your left hand more than your right. The lefties they are not clumsy nor do they intend to make everything much more complicated; they just live in a society that ignores them and even persecuted them before.

Problems such as the cork that remains in the bottle, the scissors that do not cut well, the guitar strings that are placed backwards, the university desks, among others, are frequently recurring situations. The lefties They have nothing easy in a world where everything is thought and done for the right-handed majority. Those who have their greatest ability in their right hands do not run into the same number of obstacles that, on a daily basis, those who operate better with their left hands must overcome.

The lefties Many times, they must fight against the barriers that society imposes on them. But not only do they have physical difficulties, but they are also considered true "phenomenons", almost like freaks who do everything backwards and in the most difficult way.

In almost all languages, right or right handed is synonymous with correct, fair, straight, skillful, smart, that is, positive qualities. The same cannot be said about left or sinister, since in dictionaries it also means crooked, not straight, vitiated, unhappy and even disastrous.

Fortunately, these problems are now diminishing due to greater social awareness of the development of minorities. Today there are special products and a large amount of literature and information on the nature of left-handedness . Even great myths have spread about the intellectual and creative abilities of those who dominate their left side the most.

The left cerebral hemisphere (which controls the right side) governs speech, language, writing, logic, mathematics, science; here is the linear way of thinking. The right cerebral hemisphere (which controls the left side) governs music, art, creativity, opinion, emotions, genius; here is the holistic way of thinking.

This brain dominance makes lefties be probably more creative and visual thinkers than right-handers. This is supported by a higher than normal percentage of lefties in jobs and professions such as music and the arts in general.

The lefties they are also generally better at perception and three-dimensional thinking, spawning, for example, more left-handed architects than normal. Lefties are also pretty good at most ball sports because of better hand-eye coordination.

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