Henry II introduced several legal reforms, including the establishment of the "Assize of Clarendon" in 1166. This assize created a system of royal justice that allowed the king's courts to hear cases previously handled by feudal lords. By centralizing the administration of justice, Henry increased royal authority over local lords.
2. Traveling justices:
Henry's system of "traveling justices" further solidified royal power at the local level. These justices traveled throughout the kingdom to hear cases, enforce royal laws, and collect taxes. Their presence served as a direct symbol of the king's authority, even in remote regions of the kingdom.
3. Strengthening the Exchequer:
Henry improved the efficiency and effectiveness of the Exchequer, the royal treasury. This allowed him to increase revenue and manage financial matters more effectively. By controlling the Exchequer, Henry had greater resources to fund military campaigns and other initiatives that strengthened his position.
4. Creation of royal courts:
Henry established the Court of Exchequer and the Court of King's Bench. These courts were directly under royal control and played a vital role in strengthening the centralized legal system. The Court of Exchequer handled revenue matters, while the Court of King's Bench dealt with criminal cases. These institutions became cornerstones of English law and justice.
5. Limiting feudal power:
Henry II aimed to reduce the excessive power of feudal lords and barons, who had gained significant influence during the reign of his predecessor, Stephen. He imposed restrictions on the construction of castles, limited private warfare, and strengthened the royal control over feudal obligations.
6. Administrative measures:
Henry took steps to streamline the royal administration. He appointed capable and loyal administrators to key positions and implemented checks and balances to prevent corruption. This efficient administration allowed him to exercise power more effectively and respond swiftly to challenges.