History of Europe

Why did Greeks believe about the sun and earth?

Ancient Greek Beliefs about the Sun

The ancient Greeks had various cosmological beliefs about the sun, which evolved and refined over time:

Heliocentric Theory:

Aristarchus of Samos proposed a heliocentric theory in the 3rd century BCE, suggesting the sun was the centre of the cosmos and the Earth revolved around it. This idea, however, was not widely accepted at the time and would gain recognition much later.

Geocentric Model:

The more prominent belief was geocentric model or Earth-centred cosmology. Developed by Claudius Ptolemy in the 2nd century CE, this model placed Earth at the centre of the universe, and sun was believed to orbit around the Earth.

Sun As a Deity:

The sun held great religious and mythological significance in ancient Greece. Helios was the sun god, representing the sun as a personified deity who drove a golden chariot across the sky each day, bringing light and warmth.