History of Europe

What was title in Germany?

The German word "Titel" has multiple meanings. Here are some common titles in Germany:

1. Academic Titles:

- Dr. (Doktor): Earned after completing a doctoral degree.

- Prof. (Professor): Generally used by university professors.

- Dipl.-Ing. (Diplom-Ingenieur): Indicates an engineering degree.

2. Business and Professional Titles:

- Direktor (Director): Indicates a high-ranking position in a company.

- Geschäftsführer (Managing Director): Equivalent to CEO.

- Rechtsanwalt (Lawyer): Equivalent to an attorney-at-law.

- Arzt (Medical Doctor): Used by physicians and medical professionals.

3. Nobility Titles:

- Prinz/Prinzessin (Prince/Princess): Used by members of royal families.

- Graf/Gräfin (Count/Countess): Indicates noble status.

- Freiherr/Freifrau (Baron/Baroness): Another noble title.

4. Official and Political Titles:

- Bundeskanzler/in (Federal Chancellor): Refers to the head of government.

- Bundespräsident/in (Federal President): Indicates the head of state.

- Abgeordneter/Abgeordnete (Member of Parliament): Used for parliamentarians.

- Richter/in (Judge): Title used by legal professionals.

5. Military Titles:

- General/in (General): Used by high-ranking military officers.

- Oberst/in (Colonel): Title for senior military personnel.

- Major/in (Major): Indicates a mid-level military rank.

6. Honorary Titles:

- Professor Emeritus/Emerita: Awarded to retired university professors.

- Ehrenbürger/Ehrenbürgerin (Honorary Citizen): Given to individuals for exceptional contributions to a city or region.