As the war dragged on, both sides suffered heavy casualties and economic strain. This mutual exhaustion created a strong incentive to seek an end to the conflict and find a compromise that could bring peace.
As the war dragged on, both sides suffered heavy casualties and economic strain. This mutual exhaustion created a strong incentive to seek an end to the conflict and find a compromise that could bring peace.
It was the largest campaign of annihilation of Jews carried out by the Nazis during the Holocaust . Now, a new historical investigation reveals even more chilling facts about the scope and speed of execution of Operation Reinhard. During a period of 100 days, approximately 1.47 million Jews from occ
Italian judge Ferdinando Imposimato was investigating the attack on the Pope. He discovered the so-called Bulgarian path leading towards Moscow. The communist secret services conducted a disinformation campaign aimed at diverting attention from the Bulgarian trail. “A slim, discreetly elegantly
Residents of mid-19th-century San Francisco were used to seeing all kinds of quirky characters on their streets. The gold rush was on its last legs and a veritable tide of outlaws, settlers, opportunists, and people of the most diverse stripes had flocked like flies to honey, attracted by the promis
Our archenemy today could be a great tribal chief of the Picts or just the inventiveness of Publius Cornelius Tacitus , historian, politician and son-in-law of Agricola , the governor of Britannia who led the legions to the ends of the island. Little is known of his life, but his alleged speech prio