- The Pilgrims who founded Plymouth Colony signed this document, which established a form of self-government and majority rule.
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1639):
- This document, created by settlers of the Connecticut Colony, established a representative government with elected officials.
The Massachusetts Body of Liberties (1641):
- This legal code, adopted by the Massachusetts Bay Colony, outlined the rights and responsibilities of citizens, including freedom of speech, assembly, and religion.
The New England town meeting:
- This local assembly, where all male residents could participate, made decisions on local matters and elected representatives to higher levels of government.
Colonial charters:
- Many New England colonies received charters from the English crown that granted them a degree of autonomy and the ability to establish their own laws and governments.
Religious beliefs:
- Many of the early settlers in New England were Puritans who believed in the priesthood of all believers and emphasized the importance of individual conscience and participation in decision-making.