- Included all people who worked for the Catholic church, from bishops and priests to monks and nuns
- Owned about 10% of the land in France
- Paid no taxes
- Had a lot of political power
Second Estate (Nobility)
- Included all people who had noble titles, such as dukes, counts, and barons
- Owned about 20% of the land in France
- Paid very little taxes
- Had a lot of political power
Third Estate (Commoners)
- Included everyone else, including peasants, merchants, and artisans
- Owned about 70% of the land in France
- Paid the most taxes
- Had very little political power
The main difference between the three estates was their social and political status. The clergy and nobility were considered to be privileged classes, while the commoners were not. This meant that the clergy and nobility had more rights and privileges than the commoners, and they were also more likely to be elected to government positions.