The classification of the sciences and the arts can be made depending on the time, the field of study or work, the method... But the most original of all seemed to me to be the classification, made in 1840, according to the benefit they bring .
For this I am going to use the Spanish Picturesque Weekly; founded by Mesonero Romanos in 1836, and published until 1857, it was proposed to "popularize among the crowd those useful or pleasant knowledge of sciences, letters and arts «. It reached an unusual distribution for the time, six thousand subscribers, and was widely imitated by other later publications. In order to carry out this project, he imported a mechanical press from France, which represented a great technical advance with respect to previous presses; introduced xylographic engraving that allows the engraving to be printed at the same time as the text and supports indefinite copies. The magazine was organized into fixed sections such as Customs, Picturesque Spain, Fine Arts, Literary Criticism, Poetry...
In one of its editions from 1840, it classifies the sciences and the arts according to the benefit (bread and glory):
- That give bread and glory: Jurisprudence, Medicine and Theology
- Glory without bread: Poetry, Literature and Exact Sciences
- Inglourious Bread:Anatomy, Economics and Arithmetic
- Neither bread nor glory: Metaphysics, Logic and Criticism