This post is only intended to serve as an example to demonstrate that extremism and fundamentalism in any area of life (ideology, religion, politics, sports, etc.) make us stupid and sheepish or, worse yet, violent.
We move to the Victorian Era, more or less coinciding with the reign of Victoria I of the United Kingdom (1837-1901), which was marked by the Industrial Revolution and the expansion of the colonial empire from it. These significant changes at a social, economic and technological level consolidated the United Kingdom as the first power of her time.
Despite these changes, Victorian society was still governed by Puritan principles:discreet and orderly living, economic austerity, religious Methodism, and political conservatism. The Puritans' bedside book was "Lady Gough's Book of Etiquette » (a kind of manual of the perfect Puritan). Among many other niceties, it was advised, for the sake of decorum, not to mix books written by men and women on the same shelf, they should be placed in separate libraries.
And to curl the curl
They could only be together if the authors were married
And I wonder:
Where would books written by women under the pseudonym of a man be placed? Like the case of Fernán Caballero pseudonym of the Spanish writer Cecilia Böhl de Faber y Larrea
Source:Feas to fhate and fear