Bartholomew Roberts , also known as Black Bart Like many other pirates he was born in Wales, yet he had little else in common with them. After serving as a sailor on a slave ship, he joined the crew of Howel Davis , the pirate who captured them and from whom he would inherit his crew upon his death. Once he became a captain, he began to distinguish himself among his ilk by his puritanical spirit. He was well known, above all, for not drinking alcohol, only tea, and although he tried to transmit this habit to his fellow raiders, it was impossible for him to become the only known teetotaler in the world of piracy . In addition, he treated women correctly and never forced any man to join his crew.
His character and his way of thinking, clearly derived from Puritanism, did not fit with his ostentatious and luxurious way of life. He was a lover of expensive fabrics, precious stones, flowers, feathers and silks, as well as elaborate and shiny weapons. For this reason, it is not surprising that when, among the treasures of a dam, a large diamond cross destined for the King of Portugal was found, he kept it to show it off on great occasions, such as in great battles. It would be in these situations when he appeared on deck dressed in his best clothes, wearing the cross and a huge hat with feathers, even his last wish, which was respected by his crew, was that if he died in combat he be dressed in his favorite clothes and His body was thrown into the sea. And so it was done in February 1722 off the coast of West Africa, when his body sank dressed in purple and lace.
Black Bart
There is no doubt that his appearance was more similar to that of a gentleman of the time than that of a pirate persecuted by the authorities of various countries and colonies. It was for this reason that, at the height of his career, Roberts had the flag made by which he would be identified. With a black background, on the flag appeared the armed figure of him with a sword and with each of his feet on a skull, under which the letters A.B.H. could be read. and A.M.H. , the acronym for «A Barbadian’s Head » and «A Martinican’s Head «, a direct reference to the governors of Barbados and Martinique who had tried to capture him.
But what Roberts would really go down in history for, if we ignore the fact that more than four hundred captures are attributed to him, is because of the code of conduct that he established in his crew, this being the closest thing to some laws pirates . In this sense, we must take into account that he was not the only captain to set internal rules, however his were the most curious and popular, since he also enforced them to the letter and they were elaborated from his peculiar point of view of seeing life, which clashed diametrically with its motto:«a short and happy life » (in the style of «Live fast, die young and leave a nice corpse by James Dean). Written after a mass desertion in 1721, these rules have survived to this day thanks to the work General history of the robberies and murders of the most famous pirates , originally published in 1724 with the signature of Captain Charles Johnson :
I. Each man has one vote in all matters that are discussed. Everyone will have access to provisions and liquors, and will be able to consume them as they please, except when shortages make it necessary to ration them for the good of all.
II. Every man will be called in turn, according to the list, to the division of the loot regardless of his participation and will be allowed to change his clothes for the occasion. If someone defrauds the rest for more than a silver dollar (real de a ocho Spanish), he will be abandoned to his fate in the sea as punishment. If the robbery were between members of the crew, the crew would be content to cut off the ears and nose of the culprit and land him on land, not in an uninhabited place, but somewhere where he would surely encounter adversity.
III. No one will play cards or dice for money.
IV. The lights and candles will be turned off at 8 p.m.; If after that time any member of the crew wants to continue drinking, he can do so alone on deck and without light.
V. Everyone should keep their weapons, pistols, and sabers clean and ready for action.
SAW. Children and women are not allowed on board. If someone puts a woman in disguise on the ship, she will suffer death.
VII. In battle, desertion will be punished by death or abandonment to his fate on a desert island.
VII. Fighting is not allowed on board. Disputes will be settled on the ground, with the sword or with a pistol, and whoever makes the first blood will be declared the winner.
IX. Should any member of the crew lose a limb or become crippled, they will be given $800 silver from the common inventory; for minor injuries, in proportion to the severity of it.
X. The captain and his second will receive two parts of the booty; the maestre, bosun and cannoneer a part and a half, and the rest of the officers, a part and a fourth.
XI. The musicians will have rest on Saturday but not the other six days and nights, unless by extraordinary concession.
Collaboration of Francesc Marí Company
Image:Captain Black Bart