In the city of Teruel lived Diego Marcilla and Isabel de Segura . They met when they were very young, he was of poor descent and she belonged to one of the richest families in the town, over the years, friendship turned into love... One day Diego had to go to war, he enlisted as a soldier in the Emperor's Tercios. But fate was spinning a web of misfortune for them. Isabel had a cousin with whom she had made family life, Elena. One day she saw Diego and instantly fell in love with him, even knowing the ties that united the young man with his cousin, full of sorrow, she devised a means so that the boy would be free and could be hers. There was a noble gentleman in the city, Don Fernando de Gamboa who, although he loved Isabel, did not feel very sure that he would be reciprocated. One day Elena contradicted Isabel's handwriting in a letter and, calling an old maid, sent it with the paper to Don Fernando's house. This, surprised, saw a light of hope and instead of leaving the city as planned, he thought to stay. For several days he hung around Isabel's house. Once again, Elena sent a message on behalf of Isabel, who was unaware of her cousin's shady dealings. So time passed and Isabel's parents judged that it was time to give her daughter in marriage. They knew of the affection that existed between the young woman and Diego, but considering how humble their origins were, they hesitated. Don Fernando de Gamboa had expressed to the father the love he felt for his daughter and, on a certain occasion, Diego and Don Fernando appeared at the same time to request the hand of the maiden. The two spoke, explaining Don Fernando the nobleness of his surname and the riches of his hacienda.
Diego spoke like this:– «I don't have riches or nobility; More since I was a child you have had me in your house and you know that I love Isabel and that she reciprocates me «. The maiden's father replied:– «I cannot grant you Isabel's hand because it would be exchanging the doubtful for the certain, the good house and lineage of Don Fernando for that of a young man without name or fortune «–« It's not fair, noble Segura, replied Diego, that you deny someone who loves you like a son an opportunity to gain with his arm what fortune denied him by his birth. Give me a deadline, even if it's short, and I'll show you what I'm worth «
Isabel's father was thoughtful and replied:- «Well, okay, I'll wait a period of three years and three days. If at that time you return with a name and riches, or with a name only, Isabel will be yours. But I won't wait another hour «
Diego accepted full of joy. When Isabel and Diego met, Diego announced – «I know that before the deadline has elapsed I will return, and then you will be my wife and we will have nothing to fear «. And Diego left for Barcelona, which was then full of soldiers. He enlisted in one of the Tercios and embarked for Cartagena. There he left with his company for the lands of Africa, promptly demonstrating the courage that animated him. Trip after trip, he managed to get Caesar to grant him the lieutenant band and an Order that ennobled his name. Meanwhile, in Teruel, cousin Elena had not given up her task of separating Isabel from Diego. One day he told her father that news of Diego's death had reached him. The old man felt a lot of pain and, taking precautions, he told Isabel, who could not believe the news of that death, something inside told him that it was not true. And he asked his father to postpone the wedding until the last moment, which he granted. The day the term expired and the weddings were celebrated, Isabel was already resigned and willingly accepted Don Fernando's hand. Two hours after the expiration of the term, Diego Marcilla entered Teruel at full gallop... he had arrived in a hurry, bursting horses, but too late. He hoped that the nobleman Segura had not been rigid in complying with the pact, and when he arrived and saw the walls decorated with rich hangings and the servants in gala, he understood that his misfortune was complete. Then he entered the mansion going up to Isabel's apartments, already prepared as a bridal chamber. He hid under the bed waiting for the married couple to arrive, and once they were seen off by their relatives, they prepared to go to bed. When they had done so, Diego, to prevent the union from being consummated, took Isabel's hand, who felt a great shock, crying out. The husband asked if something was wrong and she, very upset and recognizing Diego's hand, asked her husband to go down and get a bottle of salts. When she was alone with Diego, who, falling on his knees before her, reminded her of his love, reproaching her for her lack of perseverance, since he should have waited for her return. She, still feeling great joy at seeing him, told him:– «It was the will of God and not fortune that made you late in your arrival. I have waited for you until the last moment, now, unfortunately, you can get nothing from me. I am married before the Lord and I cannot fail my honor by leaving with you» . He insisted, and as he got up to leave, he collapsed as if struck by lightning. It was terrible for Isabel to see her beloved die so suddenly, and even stronger was Don Fernando's surprise at finding a dead man in his nuptial chamber and Isabel pale and ready to faint. She explained to him what had happened, swearing to him her innocence by the most sacred. So he, believing her, decided to remove the body of unhappy Diego from there and, taking advantage of the night hours, leave it at the door of her house. He did so, being helped by Isabel herself. The next day, horrible was the surprise of the parents of the unfortunate young man. The news spread like wildfire through the city, with numerous and diverse comments. The funerals were celebrated with a large turnout of people who commented on Don Diego's unfortunate fate. Suddenly Isabel appeared and a rumor greeted her arrival. She was pale, dressed in her most luxurious clothes and ornaments. During mass she remained kneeling with her face in her hands. At the end of the service for the dead, she approached the catafalque and, to everyone's astonishment, leaning over Diego's corpse, she placed a passionate kiss on her lips. When Don Fernando and his servants came, they noticed that Isabel was lying face down on the deceased and, trying to get her up, they realized with horror that she had also died suddenly. All the attendees felt overcome by pity and Don Fernando, overcome with pain, said:– «It was the will of God that Diego and Isabel were not united in life. But her hand has led the angel of death to join them in the other world. Let the husbands who were in the condition be buried together until I crossed their path .»
And so, together, the bodies of Diego Marcilla and Isabel de Segura were buried, whom legend has since called «The lovers of Teruel «.

Mausoleum of the Lovers of Teruel