Mr. Confucius
Today the historical character that marked an entire era and several more centuries, in addition to mises contests. The great and pseudo well-known, Confucius or Confucius (latinized) or Confu (inventor of Konfú, a martial art that split from traditional Kunfú and was rescued from oblivion by Chuck Norris who called it KonChuckFú), for K'ung-fu friends -tzu, which literally translates to Master Kong .
Like his grandfather, who was the king of the Kong clan, that is:King Kong, who had a son, father of Confu, called Burguerking Kong, born in VietKong, from what we already know that Confucius descends from the pre-hominid, but specifically of the australopithecus Maximun Decimus Meridius, who was commander of the northern armies and commander of the Chinese legions, according to unseen documents.
Born on September 28, 551 BC (Before Confucius). Thanks to this information we know that he was a premature son, since he was expected 551 years later. He died in the year 479 a. C (Before Confucius), so he was premature twice, once to be born and once to die.
He was a great philosopher, social theorist and founder of an ethical system that has survived to this day, called Confucianism. The basic pillar of Confucianism is none other than, as the grandiloquent Miss Panama said, to confuse. A maxim of Confucius said:“Whoever mistakes the way in the morning, at nightfall can die overwhelmed; and if there is a lot of railway traffic in your town, you can die on the same morning”. Another said:"Whoever confuses first confuses twice", hence he was premature.
He was born in the town of Qufu, in the ancient country of Lu, (very famous for its chocolate cookies and for the battle of WaterLu, originally called WaterLuz, meaning water and light, where Confucius said, you shall not confuse water with light) , present-day Shandong province, in the bosom of a noble landowning family, the Kong clan that took Tang.
A social group that has adopted this philosophy is the colorblind, born in Daltonia (a distant place where all people are called Dalton and have the same face, only their height changes, which grows or decreases, depending on how you look or stand. It should be noted that they cannot see in 3D), who strictly follow their teachings, which only apply to the colors red and green or green and red or vice versa but on the contrary. An important fact to point out is that there are no traffic lights in Daltonia due to the number of car accidents that occurred and because in all the friendly accident reports they wrote:You will confuse red with green, as Confucius said.
Another social group are dyslexics, born in Northern Dyslexia, founders of Disleyland Paris, a park of confusion.