In the battle of Zama , 202 BC, the Carthaginian army and the great Hannibal – scourge of the Romans - they were defeated by Scipio «the African» . A peace treaty was signed which, like the previous ones, left Cartago touched, and almost sunk. So, Hannibal (the best strategist in history) he changed his military role to that of a politician. He tried to recover the lost empire but there were many pressures and restrictions to which he was subjected by Rome and her enemies within Carthage.
Hannibal had to go into exile and offered himself to any enemy of Rome:Antiochus of Syria, Prussia of Bithynia... His oath of "eternal hatred of Rome", made in his youth, marked his entire life. Alone and cornered by Rome, he decided to commit suicide by ingesting a poison. His last words:
Let us free Rome from his concerns, since he does not know how to wait for the death of an old man.