Túbal He was the first inhabitant of the Iberian Peninsula.
Grandson of Noah, considered the first king of Spain in the work of authors such as Father Juan de Mariana (General History of Spain):
«Túbal, fifth son of Jafet and grandson of Noah, was the first man who came to Spain. After the universal flood, there were 131 descendants of Adam, our first father, who spread over the Earth. «
There have also been authors, such as the title of the post, who have used his figure to reinforce Basque particularism, considering him the introducer to the Peninsula of the law (fuero), of the language (Euskera) and of the monotheistic religion, a legacy lost due to of later invasions of other peoples and that would only have been safeguarded in Euskadi.
But thank God, I suppose it will be so, in the Spanish Renaissance there were already dissident voices of this theory, such as Antonio Nebrija , but we will rely on one of the greatest writers to provide a bit of sanity and sibylline criticism, Don Francisco de Quevedo. Many support that Túbal founded the cities of Tudela and Setúbal and that he received, in the latter, the visit of his grandfather Noé to see how he governed his inhabitants. Noah would have founded the cities of Noela and Noega. Following these etymological arguments, Quevedo states that Odom «a sad and modern village three leagues from Madrid» was founded by Adam (in Hebrew Adam and in ancient Syriac Odom), and goes even further, «el Pardo, orchard and forest of the kings of Castile» the enclave of paradise.