As every year Desperta Ferro will be present with a stand and all available funds available to our readers in Barcelona.
On June 18 and 19 There will be a series of exhibitions, workshops and conferences around the Roman world along the entire commercial axis of Creu Coberta. This edition opens a new location for the entire Roman camp at the meeting point of Creu Coberta number 26, the side of Plaza España. The legionaries of the Legio II Traiana Fortis will coexist in that place with the gladiators of the Ludus Imperialis Barcinonensis , both historical recreation groups belonging to Barcino Oriens. There you can also participate in a legionary school for the little ones.
Between the Torre d'en Damians and Sant Roc, in front of the Joan Pelegrí High School, various spaces will recreate Roman civil life, its objects and armor, as well as being a place to find information on cultural dissemination and Roman crafts. P>
Some of the news presented this year are the workshop of perfumes, make-up and hairstyles from the Roman era by Ornatrices de Barcino Orines , and various activities for the little ones such as Roman games by the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya. You can also learn how it was written in Antiquity by Albert Anglès, and within the Escola Joan Pelegrí there will be a Roman gastronomic recreation, with a menu for all those who want to try it. You will also be able to enjoy different performances such as gladiator fights, presentation of the Roman army and its combat tactics, recruitment to the legions or what a gladiator school was like, among others.
You can access the full program in the following link:Programa_VI_Barcino_Colonia_Romae_2016

Finally, those interested will be able to attend a cycle of conferences:
- Urbanism in Ancient Rome. Some legal aspects . Urbanism in ancient Rome. By Francesc Sánchez Pérez, Lawyer, President of the Arraona Romana Cultural Association.
- The Diet of Ancient Philosophers or the Origins of Western Asceticism . In charge of Dr. Sergi Gra y Guijarro, Hellenist, translator and ICAC - UB member.
- German Nationalism and the Political Interpretation of the Battle of Theurburg . In charge of Dr. Francisco Gracia Alonso, Professor of Prehistory at the UB.
- Welcoming Foreigners in Ancient Greece . By Montserrat Tudela i Penya, director of the magazine Auriga.
- The Roman roads. From the public course to the “Carretera de Sants” . In charge of Dr. Oriol Olesti Vila, Professor of Ancient History at the UAB.
For more information:
- https://www.facebook.com/barcinooriens/photos_stream
- http://www.barcinooriens.cat/
- [email protected]