Words derived from the root cred- include:
- credit
- credible
- creed
- credential
Words derived from the root cred- include:
- credit
- credible
- creed
- credential
Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848) was a French painter who left a very important collection for the study of Brazilian history. He was Napoleons court painter, as well as being official painter of the Portuguese Crown in Brazil. It is for this reason that his works depict official events and that he
Author:Gonzalo Búlnes Chilean Historian Bolognesi was a great patriot. He has the characteristic of superior men. No intemperate words or puerile bravado come from his mouth or from his pen. He is cultured and attentive to the enemy. When patriotism is wrapped in a cloak of modesty, the man disapp
Epitacio Pessoa was the 11th president of Brazil who ruled the country from 1919 to 1922, during the period known as República Velha, after the brief mandate of Delfim Moreira from Minas Gerais, thus breaking with the political system called “coffee with milk” whose oligarchy from São Paulo and mini
The Institutional Act nº 5 was published on December 13, 1968, signed by President Costa e Silva and marked the hardest phase of the period of military dictatorship in Brazil. The trigger for AI-5 was the proposal to boycott the military by deputy Márcio Moreira Alves (1936-2009). AI-5 Summary Wit