1. Freedom of speech: The right to express one's opinions and ideas without fear of government reprisal. This includes the right to criticize the government and its policies.
2. Freedom of religion: The right to practice one's religion freely, without government interference. This includes the right to attend religious services, pray in public, and express one's religious beliefs.
3. Freedom of the press: The right to publish and distribute newspapers, magazines, and other forms of media without government censorship. This right is essential for a free and informed society.
4. Freedom of assembly: The right to gather with others for peaceful protests, demonstrations, and other forms of political expression. This right is important for holding the government accountable and for promoting social change.
5. Freedom to petition the government: The right to petition the government for redress of grievances. This right allows individuals to bring their concerns to the attention of the government and to seek remedies for their problems.